As promised I am coming clean regarding what has monopolized my time since arriving back on the island late last month.

I am blessed to be part of the "Artists Colony at the Esplanade." The colony offers an opportunity to show my photographs and possibly (hopefully) sell one or two along the way. (That would be a good thing as my photography wish list is long and grows longer by the day.)
It started with an email from an artist friend in early August, just a few days before we departed for points north. She explained that one of the area painters had approached the Esplanade management (the Esplanade is an upscale shopping center on Marco, see below) regarding leasing their empty store fronts to local artists; and would I be interested in sharing space with her should the idea take hold. Of course I said YES and went on my merry way to Maine thinking that this crazy idea would never materialize.
To make a long story shorter, after a lot of back and forth between the parties involved, sometime in mid-September the project was approved and the dream became a reality. This all meant that I had to hit the ground running. There were walls to paint, mats and frames to order, photos to print and frame, business cards to design, etc., etc., etc.
Above is the main walk way at the Esplanade. Our studio/gallery is tucked behind the orange arches on the left. We are one of three working studios in the complex, working being the operative word. One of the stipulations is that when open, artists must (should) be working. This means the painters paint and I surf the net!!
The next photo takes in the view as you walk through our front door. My space is in the back of the four walls so to speak!
And this is Inez. She is a very talented oil painter and one of my two partners in crime.
Below is Carolyn, partner in crime number two and the reason I'm involved in this lil project.
It has been a fun and interesting four weeks. I have learned that artists tend to have strong personalities and I am quickly learning to speak my mind when my mind has something worthwhile to say.
I'm giving this venture through season, for those not familiar with island speak that translates to after Easter when the snow birds fly back north. If by that time I haven't sold enough photos to at least break even on the monthly expenses then I shall hang my head in shame and fold my tent.
I really don't know what to expect. I do know that I could never consider doing something of this magnitude on my own. I also know that it is time to take that leap of faith. And hope someone is there to pick me up in case I fall on my face.