Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why Is It?

Project 15 - Day 124

Why is it that:

- hotels that accept pets also adopt less than high cleanliness standards?

- American Idol try-outs are being held at the exact same time we are in Nashville? (I would bet that Ellen, Randy & Kara are not staying at the stinky hotel that accepts pets and regards clean towels as a mark of excellence.)

- it is hotter here than in Florida?

- I have taken so few photographs the past few weeks. few non-people photographs?

- my paint jobs don't last nearly as long as the manicurist's?

- I don't find it odd that I am wearing Silly Bandz?

- the closer you get to the sea, the more expensive the sea food?

- I can never remember what day it is?

- after 7 months my kitchen is still not finished?

- I can't live everywhere I visit?


CJ & Clyde - thanks for faithfully checking in from Ocean City. I wouldn't want you to miss anything.

Any Lawrence County Pa readers out there, you would really be doing yourself a favor if you had dinner at the Tavern Restaurant in New Wilmington. We took my big sis there for her birthday last week and dinner was off the charts good. (Oh and the birthday we celebrated, it's a big one. I won't tell you exactly how old she is but I will tell you that social security and medicare are about to take a big hit.)

Image of cloud reflections in glass taken with Nikon D300 and Nikkor 24-70mm lens.

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