Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Falling Leaves; Falling Temperatures


Fall has arrived.  Daylight savings time is making a last ditch attempt to hang on to daylight and cheat Mother Nature.  The battle is nearing an end and Mother Nature will soon be declared the victor.  Last evening it was dark at 7:30.  Not just dusk, but dark.  And here I sit at 7:06 in the a.m. and it is still dark.   The days are growing ever shorter my friends.

Leaves are beginning to collect on the ground in varying shades of red, yellow, orange & brown.  Each day we find a little more red in the maple tree next to the house.  If I could sit still long enough I believe I would be able to see the colors change right before my eyes. The neighborhood squirrels dart to and fro gathering whatever it is they gather to see them through the long winter ahead.  They are driving poor Henna crazy with their busyness.  Most of the time we keep her on the inside looking out so as not to interrupt their work.  Once in awhile we let her loose to have a little fun.

The days are also growing ever cooler, colder.  This weekend we are not expected to reach 60 degrees here at the lake.  The nights now drop into the 40s on a regular basis.  (Want to come for a visit Greg?)  The little red cottage is resilient, the old oil furnace cranks out enough heat to warm the small rooms and the fire place works like a charm (as long as there is someone willing to split the wood).   The question remaining is, just how resilient are its new inhabitants?

The word on the street is that we won't make it until Thanksgiving.  That we will pack up the beast and head south to sunny Florida by October 15th.  I don't know about that.  What I do know is that I have forgotten how to shovel snow and I don't intend to learn again.

Although a white Christmas might make for a nice a change.


Audrey said...

Stock up on food, buy an electric snow blower to clear a path to the wood pile and sit tight until the snow plow shows up. If the power goes out you can always roast hot dogs in the fireplace! I know you have camping skills. Of course, in the case of a power outage, you would actually have to shovel the path to the wood pile. On second thought, better start packing soon!

Life in Color said...

LOL - If we wait for the snow plow to show up we'll be here until March! The lane is not considered a public road. We better get packing.