Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It appears that the local cable company does not function on island time or lake time. They arrived at the appointed hour and we not only have internet service but cable tv and a land phone line. We are now adequately prepared for football season.

But you don't want to hear about that do you? You want to hear about day one in our little red cottage. I can sum it up in one word HOT. The thermometer rose to the 90 degree mark yesterday afternoon and things were a little steamy in the cottage upon arrival. The heat aside there was actually little to do on day one but unpack the beast. The cottage was acquired fully furnished and the previous owners left things in pristine condition. The biggest challenge is finding a place to put things. As you can imagine storage is at a premium.

Closing was quite the event. We used a local attorney instead of a title company and to say he was thorough is a gross understatement. He is well seasoned and does things the old fashioned way. And while it made for a long and tedious closing process, I can honestly say that we left yesterday safe in the knowledge that no stone was left unturned with regard to the title and deed to the property. Not a bad thing when dealing with land subdivided 60 years ago by farmer Brown and handed down from family member to family member. Roads have meandered off course and sub-division standards have been violated over the years so it was good to not only know the situation but understand it as well. And Ms. Henna, our sweet little girl spent the 2.5 hour closing sleeping under the conference table in the attorney's office. Don't you love small towns?


We enjoyed an early dinner at a local watering hole. The pizza was good and the bill more than reasonable. A quick stop at the local grocery store confirmed that we need to do our bulk shopping elsewhere. There were wild turkeys on the lane when we returned home but no deer. Although I did see hoof prints down at the water's edge so I know they're around. Unfortunately no moose!


But the best part of the day was sitting on the dock watching the sun dip low in the sky.


The soft golden light of the evening was perfect.


As the sun slipped below the horizon on day number one, we knew were were where we were meant to be. We were home.


Audrey said...


Unknown said...

Did Doug sing God Bless America?

Sounds like you have the perfect place--other than ours, of course!

Anonymous said...

Clap, clap, clap, and some cheering!

Josh, Kylie, Aila and Liam said...

Let us know when you are all settled that you aren't so far away, we'll have to stop by and say hello more often!

S. Patton said...

I feel relaxed just looking at your pictures!!!! LOVE!!! Can't wait to see you again!

chicken said...

Welcome home! We've missed you!

Marla Logan said...

Audrey was right on with AHHHHHHH!!! My feelings exactly! I felt like I sat and watched that sunset with you. It was beautiful!! Great work my friend! So happy for you and Doug and your new home!!! ENJOY! |