Saturday, October 2, 2010

Papa's Got a Brand New....Jeep

It's Papa's but it's not brand new, not even close.  It's a 1994 Jeep Wrangler.  It runs well (at least it did on the ride home).  There are a few body issues that need tending to.  But who among us after a certain age doesn't have body issues?  Papa's old jeep is no different.


It's a guy thing this Jeep compulsion.  There is something magnetic about the rugged good looks, the squared off body, the bulkiness, the rough ride, the big (expensive) tires.  Perhaps it's Jeep's history with the military or the idea of poorly functioning heaters or wind in the face driving that draws in the male species.  Whatever it is, it's golden for Jeep.


For the past couple of months The Kid has been talking about acquiring an old truck that could be driven around our small community during the months we are here and then left to winter in PA.  A small truck would be practical he said.  A small truck would come in handy when we need to carry things.  A small truck would be ideal.


And yet, it was a Jeep that showed up in our driveway last week.  A Jeep that he spend countless hours on the internet researching, scouring Craig's List at every opportunity to see what was available.  A Jeep that found its way home.


Our neighbor, who grew up on the lane, informed us that it was an eerie sense of deja vue that greeted her when she awoke one morning and saw it sitting in our driveway.  "You know," she said, "the original owner of your cottage had a red Willies Jeep for as long as I can remember. It gave me quite a start to look out the window and see a red jeep in your drive."


Perhaps old Mr. B. was influencing The Kid from the grave.  Perhaps it truly is just a guy thing.  I guess it really doesn't matter.


Because Papa's got a brand new, little red jeep.


Anonymous said...

It photographs well!

Audrey said...

Very sweet!

Kay Carboni said...

David wants to know if you traded in the Miata? ha ha! can't wait to ride in the jeep.