Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bah Humbug

There are officially three shopping days remaining until Christmas.  Would someone please show me where the previous 20 shopping days are being held?  I need to get a few back.  Not that I have much shopping to do because that at least is done....almost.  What I need is a few days injected with a healthy dose of Christmas to get me in the mood.

Yesterday, The Kid encouraged me, at gun point, to put up the Christmas tree.  He even offered to put the lights on for me.  (Nice try Kid, this one came equipped with lights.)  He insisted I would feel better if I decorated the tree. "Bah Humbug," I said.  "Who's going to put this stuff away next week?"  And then he had the nerve to ask for lights...outside....on the bushes.  "You've got to be kidding," I croaked.  "Lights?  Outside?  For one week?   I'm thinking a wreath on the door is good enough.  If not, well, knock yourself out and have fun."  And so it went.

I admit it.  I am Scrooge.  Scrooge with an elephant sitting on his chest, who can't talk, and has no heart. The ghost of Christmas past has retired and moved to Boca and the Ghost of Christmas present is cruising around the Caribbean.  I think I'm screwed.

However, I believe there is still hope.  There are three days remaining and my first born child is scheduled to arrive tonight. I shall attempt to get the old VCR working.  I know there is a tape of White Christmas around here somewhere.  Perhaps a little Bing will do the trick because  I need a little Christmas, NOW!



Anonymous said...

Maybe you should just sing. I doubt Bing ever put up a tree or put lights on the bushes outside. Walker made a special trip outside (where I was NOT putting up Christmas lights!) to tell me with great glee that "Grandma was run over by a Reindeer" was on TV. I got inside in time to see poor grandma buried face first in the snow.

chicken said...

I am singing it!! Try finding the version of Silver Bells that Gram and Pap used to play on the old stereo in the livingroom. For whatever reason, that reminds me of being on Line Road, waiting for Gary to come...hearing all the bad things about Aunt Carol and Gary...Grandma Young and her leg with the bone in it...Uncle Doug and the magic golf balls...it wasn't always Thanksgiving. Sometimes it was Christmas. Driving Grandma Young back to the "riverside"
There...if you needed a little Christmas...right this very minute...I tried!
I can remember with clarity a purple sweater and cordory skirt that a favorite aunt and uncle got me one year...
Hugs to your first born...and your husband...and of course to you!