Friday, January 7, 2011

It's The Flu Stupid

This is one for the ages.  The flu that won't die.  The virus that floated in on an errant puff of air and then multiplied like a colony of sex starved rabbits.  Each newly minted flu bug waited patiently in line to hop on board a waiting blood cell.  They are now coursing through my system as if on a never ending, nightmarish ride at Disney.  I have entered week four of this foolishness and I have to tell you I'm a little tired of it.  No, that's not true I AM A LOT TIRED OF IT.


This strain has false feel good days built into it.  I feel better for two days and then wham the ride powers up again usually with a new twist, a sore throat, a stuffy nose, a more productive cough, a headache, laryngitis.  On Monday I made an appointment with the doctor.  The sore throat I had been nursing off and on for five days needed to be addressed.  I was convinced I had strep.  By the time I arrived at the office on Tuesday the sore throat had vanished only to be replaced by the return of the elephant to my chest, a stuffy nose and itchy ears.  The rather unpleasant nurse was peeved.  He had prepared for a strep test and I no longer had a sore throat.  His body language said it all, if you don't have a sore throat why are you wasting my time?  It was all I could do to keep from grabbing his shiny little head and giving him a lesson on empathy.  Lucky for him a fit of coughing ensued and he made his escape to the hallway.

The doctor was more understanding, however she didn't think I had the flu.  Are you kidding me?  Not the flu?  It's the flu I yelled.  A long, miserable case of the FLU and you had better put that in your computer Ms. M.D.  It's the FLU stupid.  I know it.  I have lived it.  Diagnosis done.

She didn't budge.  She declared that I have an upper respiratory infection and possibly bronchitis.  I left armed with antibiotics, cough syrup (the good kind laced with codeine), and an inhaler.  That was two days ago.  I'm still sick.  And while I do feel better, the elephant is still in residence, the cough remains and I have no energy.

But I sure do like that cough syrup.

Project 365 - Day 2


Tim Logan said...

I was offended by this blog with your reference to bald men and their lack of empathy. Along with our shiny domes please be aware that we have feelings too.

Life in Color said...

Aww Pop, not you. I was actually refering to the male nurse's lack of empathy. Was going to go with "that's what happens when they let men become compassion." The fact that he happened to be hairless was a bonus.

Anonymous said...

I know you have the flu. I can see it from here! I have plenty of sympathy, but then, I'm a woman.

chicken said...

I could totally be your nurse! I have empathy to spare! And HAIR! Lots of it!
I am packing my bag...see you in a few hours!!
I'll tell you that it is the flu or whatever you are my favorite Aunt, after all!!