Thursday, January 13, 2011

Secret Agent Man

Are you a fan of the television show 24?  Neither am I.  I have watched bits and pieces of it but never could get into the show.  It is partly because each episode builds on the previous one.  If you miss a week you're doomed.  It is also in part because I don't care for bang, bang, shoot em up, violent type movies or programs.  The Kid on the other hand, is a fan.  No, that's not accurate, he is an addict.

It began over the holidays when we were both ailing.  (Remember the "not the flu" crud we had for weeks?)  He needed something to help pass the time while recovering from said non-flu.  That's when he found Season 1 of 24 on Netflix.  And then Season 2, and  Season 3 and well you get my drift.  His days became one long Jack Bauer fest.  From dawn to dusk it was all Jack, all the time.  Dinner conversation revolved around the current  subversive terrorist plot that Jack was scrambling to prevent or which CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) operative had gone over to the dark side.

The other morning he stumbled out of the bedroom and slid into his chair looking as if he had been on an all night binge at the local watering hole.  "What's wrong with you," I asked?    It turns out my dear husband had had a particularly rough night.  Instead of resting in peaceful slumber he had spent his entire night saving the world as Jack's right hand man, slaying the dragons of terror as a bonafide member of the CTU.  The man was exhausted.

After I picked myself up off the floor where I had rolled in a fit of laughter, I put my foot down.  "That's it," I said, "no more Jack Bauer for you."  "But I'm not finished with the series," he whined.  "I've still got seasons 5 - 8 to go.

In the end I lost to the greater good.  Jack Bauer and the CTU eked out a victory against common sense.  24 still reigns supreme.  He has however,  cut down on his late night viewing.  No Jack after 8 pm, after all he values his sleep.  But he will not rest until all 8 seasons of 24 have been consumed.  (Do you have any idea how many hours of viewing are contained in 8 seasons of 24?)  Like a moth to the flame or an addict on crack he is hooked.


I guess I shouldn't complain.  It's an improvement over the Walker Texas Ranger phase of several years ago.  And besides I now have my own secret agent man.

Click for Project 365 


Judy H. said...

That is cute and I like your 365 photos. Well done.

Judy H. said...

S, The picture I posted 'PP emerge' is for an online picture sharing site. It is a world wide site and very interesting. Right now they are in week 2 of a 6 week competition. Not that you need anything else to check out on the internet, but give it a look. J