Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We have owned the Beast for five years.  During those five years we have had two sets of keys for the behemoth.  At no time during those five years were said car keys lost, stolen or misplaced.  Until.  The.  Day. We.  Sold.  It.


We had just picked up the Beast from its extended stay at the 5 star hotel a.k.a. the Cadillac dealership. We hi-tailed it over to the Chevy lot (retirement is tough) as fast as we could. We were interested in a trade. Like any upstanding citizen we wanted to dump the Beast before that pesky little electrical problem could rear its ugly head again.  The Kid is convinced he had both sets of keys with him that afternoon.  When we returned on Monday to complete the transaction only one set could be found.  (For some reason those stodgey old salesmen at the Chevy garage think it is necessary to have two sets of keys on a trade-in.)

We have looked everywhere.  And then some.  I have emptied drawers, searched under chair cushions, crawled around on the floor, checked pants pockets, and even considered x-raying the dog.  They have vanished.  Into thin air.  I did find two sticks of Juicy Fruit gum,  one dime,  two pennies,  a lottery ticket, a button, and some popcorn kernels.  But no car keys.  I'm flummoxed.  I can't imagine where those little rascals have gone.

The way I see it we have two remaining options; 1) call in a search and rescue dog or 2) contact the Psychic Hotline.  That is unless you know where they are.  Well, do you?

Link to Project 365


Audrey said...

It never fails. Hope you find them soon!

Judy H. said...

Good luck with that!! They will show up after you convince the dealership that they really are lost.

Anonymous said...

I will miss stories about the Beast, but I do not have your keys!