Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guess Who's Here?

Do you know who arrived yesterday on an airplane?  Can you guess?


That's right, it's Miss A and the G-man and they were ready to rock and roll.  In fact it took less than 10 minutes from the time we arrived home until the two of them were splashing around in the pool.  (The water was a comfortable 80 degrees..just so you know.)


Grammy also snagged Tangled at the local Wal Mart on Monday afternoon and let me tell you that brought a big smile to this little girls face.  (Score one for Grammy!)


The G-man has grown quite a bit since we last saw him although he's still a little on the small size for his age.  He is however, full of energy and little boy non-stop action.


Have I mentioned lately how much I have been missing these two sweet faces?


Seven whole days of fun in the sun in with grandkids.  Life is good.

I just hope they'll let me take a nap once in awhile.


Judy H. said...

Enjoy your babies!

Anonymous said...

:-) -k-