Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Conversation


Miss A:  Pappy, why are those men in your yard?

Pappy:  What men honey?

Miss A:  Those men outside.

Pappy:  (Peeking out the front window.) Those are my yard men.  They're here to cut my grass.

Miss A:  Why you not cut your own grass?

Pappy:  Hesitates, one second too long.

Miss A:  Pappy (thoughtful pause), is it because you're too old?

Link to Project 365


Bethany Patton said...

love thi Susan. Miss you guys.

Judy H. said...

Oh, we love the simplicity of babes. Isn't it great that this generation doesn't have for follow the old "children are to be seen and not heard"?