Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chasing Frisbees

Meet Dewey.  (I'm sorry Dew, I know I misspelled your name.  I hope you don't mind too much.) Dewey is a Welsh Terrier, lives next door at the lake and is Henna's new best friend.  They take long walks together most evenings and in general keep an eye on the comings and goings around here.


Dewey loves to fetch Frisbees.  You could say it's his passion.


Look at that focus.  Keep your eyes on the prize Dew.


At just the right moment he launches himself skyward snatching the Frisbee as it descends.


And then he dashes around the yard at lightening speed daring someone to chase him.


Eventually he returns eager to continue the game.  If one were patient enough and had enough time this could go on for hours.


In fact, there is really only one successful way to end Dewey's play time.


Some kids just don't know when to quit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Completely charming!