Thursday, July 28, 2011

Celebrating the 4th, Little Red Cottage Style

Look who ventured out of the deep south and crossed the Mason/Dixon line for a 4th of July visit to the Little Red Cottage!


We were excited that K & D were spending the holiday with us on the lake in western Pennsylvania instead of the beaches of south Florida.  We were committed to showing them a good great time...western PA style!


There was fishing on the agenda


and carp feeding.  A visit to western PA is not complete without a stop at the Pymatuning Spillway.  It is an experience like no other; and, it only takes a loaf or two to whip these critters into a white bread frenzy.


Guess who showed up to cash in on all of that fishing?  Chris just can't seem to stay away when there are fish to catch.


Since K & D had never been to this neck of the woods before we launched the first ever "Roots" tour.  You can interpret that as driving around the tri-county area boring our guests with tales of our, The Kid's youth and spotting an Amish buggy or two along the way.  We also took in the sights at the local flea market on an extremely hot Sunday morning and enjoyed fireworks on the lake.  The thunder storm that rolled in as the grand finale ended provided a few anxious moments. We charged home in the dark, dodging raindrops and chugging through the white caps whipped up by the fast moving storm.

But in the end it was all about good friends and the lake.  D determined it was time to dust off the little Sailfish left behind by the previous owners to see if she would float.


She did.  But since none of us know how to sail we left the sail in the barn (for now) and D paddled contentedly around the cove entertaining himself for hours while the rest of us enjoyed a boat ride and/or a each his own.


Unfortunately there was that one, tiny, little controversy regarding the "Lil Buckeye."  All I can say on that subject is judgment day is coming!!!


The Kid, always glad to have someone along to captain the ship, got to relax and enjoyed the ride.


As the sun set on the weekend we reminisced about good times with great friends.


I think it's fair to say a good time was had by all.


See you soon K & time on Logan-Martin!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



It's official.  I am a tri-athlete.  This morning I participated in my very first triathlon.

I walked 5 miles
I kayaked 5 miles
I ate my weight in Oreos

I'm exhausted.

I think I'll take a nap.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bad Dog, Bad Dog, Watcha Gonna Do


She did it again.  Ran away.  Ran like the wind for the woods and the swamp.  Never looked back.

Bad dog, bad dog, watcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Her timing wasn't so hot either.  We were expecting our 4th of July house guests at any minute.  While passing time awaiting their arrival Henna and I went for a walk to the dock.  I decided it was a good time to do a little house cleaning and began to clear the dock of any and all spider condos.  Suddenly the lead went slack...and I knew.  There I stood leash in hand with a fancy Pittsburgh Steeler collar (thank you Aunt Judi) dangling on the end, but no dog.  She had slipped her collar and said dog was making tracks for the woods.  As fast as her little golden legs would carry her.

There was no sense chasing after her either.  I knew she wouldn't return until she was good and ready.  My biggest concern was that she was on the loose with no identification.  The 50 name tags that hang clanging from her neck were lying limp in my hand. She was gone.  Perhaps this time for good.

About 30 minutes later The Kid spotted her at the top of our drive.  I called to her and what do you suppose happened next?  She took off in the opposite direction that's what happened.  (Do you think those 8 weeks of obedience classes were worth it?)  Fortunately her new best friend Dewey had joined the hunt and began barking.  Inquisitive Little Missy couldn't resist the call of the hound and came running to see what the fuss was about.  Her collar was quickly snapped back into place and that's when we got a whiff of her.  She was coated chest high in muck and smelled like skunk cabbage (which if you've never encountered it smells exactly as its name's that bad).  It was about this time that our house guests pulled into the drive.  Welcome to the Little Red Cottage.

Bad dog, bad dog, whatcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

She's Baaaack


Awww, it sure is nice to be loved...and missed.  I hadn't been here in weeks and was really touched by your comments.  And now I know how to get you people to comment..disappear for a month!

Sometimes I get so caught up with what I'm doing at the moment that all else takes a back seat and is often ignored.  I know I've been busy.  At least I think I've been busy.  No, I know so.  To prove it I'll share with you all of my comings and goings from the past month.  Now let's see, I have been:

entertaining company
walking 5 miles a day
celebrating birthdays
painting Adirondack chairs
helping my friend and neighbor ease into retirement
corralling my dog who ran away...AGAIN
making pillows (I'm a domestic goddess don't cha know)
learning to kayak
planting tomatoes
watering said tomatoes...every day because there has been no rain.  Until yesterday.  So I didn't water my tomatoes today.  But it still counts because I have watered them for the previous 20 days.
watching Pirate baseball
catching up with old friends
and of course MORE SWEATING.  (Dang it's been hot.)

I've seriously considered giving this little blog of mine a permanent rest.  I've been at it for three years and some days I just don't know what to say.  And then I read your kind and encouraging (if somewhat demanding) words and knew I needed to keep on keeping on.  At least for now.

So there you have it.

I'll see you tomorrow.

God willing and the creek don't rise...or I die from over active sweat glands.