Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Christmas Wish For You


My Christmas wish for you is:

That all of your bells jingle and
your stocking not be filled with coal,

That visions of sugar plums dance in your head
and your children stay nestled, all snug in their beds,

That all of your twinkle lights, both inside and out,
May they sparkle and shine and never go out.

That peace on earth, good will to man,
would be more than a verse written in sand.

And that you find the star, lit from above
and spend Christmas day with ones that you love.

Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night.


Resha said...

Your Christmas posts got to me - things have certainly changed in all of our lives. Not much decorating here this yr. We're doing the traveling these days with 2 little ones in Ga, but it's ok. Grateful we can all still be together. Our little blonde will be 32 tomorrow!! Can you believe it?! Here's wishing you and the Kid a Happy New Year and as always, send our love. Resha

JIM said...

OK Ms. prolific writer - enough time off to rejuvenate! Get your mo-jo back and write again. The coming Spring has to be a motivator: The Red Cottage, canoeing, walking with neighbors, boating, Auctions & Yard sales & Flea Markets, visits with family, seeing your Mom, etc.