Friday, July 9, 2010

1,000 Faces Update, cont.

Project 15 - Day 117

This will be the final installment of 1,000 Faces, at least for a few days. There is another family gathering on Saturday so stay tuned.


Florence, Flo, Flos, Flossie, Flo Baby, Mom, Gram & Grammy. So many names accumulated in a long, well lived life. She birthed me, and raised me and I assure you that as a teen I had several other names for her. None of which are fitting for a family friendly blog ;-). She instilled her work ethic and family values...or else. I guess someone had to out-stubborn me. (I wonder where I got that gene?)


Big Sister, Mother, Nanny, Friend. Jud's my big sis and hates to have her picture taken. In fact I can hear her when she sees this one..."when did she take that? I don't remember her taking my picture." You have to sneak up on her when she's not looking and that's just what I did. Judi's fun loving, stubborn (it's a strong family trait) and friend to one and all. I can list my closest friends on one hand, she would need a notebook. Judi loves kids and kids lover her. In fact my own granddaughter would pick her over me in a heart beat. Maybe I should pay more attention.


Howard, Howie, Dad, Pa. Howard belongs to Judi or vice verse. He saves EVERYTHING. Seriously, need a thingamabob for a wathcamacallit from 30 years ago? Howie's your man. And if he doesn't have it, I'll bet he knows someone who does. He too is fun-loving and kind and doesn't mind that we all pick on him. I guess he knows we do it cause we love him.


James, Jamie, J.R., Junior, Daddy. J.R. is son to Judi & Howard, brother to Jodi & Daddy to Emily. He is hard-working, tough, and a push over where his daughter is concerned. I believe his heart turned to mush on the day she was born. Oh and if you need anything from the bakery, just give him a call he is a baker extraordinaire.


Amy, Ame, Mom....h'mmm why aren't there more names here? The family will have to work on this one. Amy is wife to J.R. and Mom to Emily. She is mischievous and fun, and loves her daughter more than life. I should warn you in advance, if she pays you a visit you better hide the chocolate.

Victoria Marie

Victoria Marie is a real cutie. She's also a virtual stranger who happened along on the 4th of July. She is my first step towards photographing strangers. Which is something I need to practice, a lot, if I have any hope of capturing those 1,000 face. But isn't she adorable? That hair, those curls, those eyes!


Carole is friendly, kind, caring and thoughtful. She is close to the top on Jud's list of friends and daughter to Mrs. M. She's also occasional dog sitter to Henna. She too spent many years as an educator and I imagine her students loved her. How could they not?


Clyde, whose name has been changed to protect the innocent (mainly his wife), is the comedian of the group. In fact I think we're going to get him a gig on SNL for his antics. His wife insisted on severing all ties when he whipped out his teeth to smile for the camera. Clyde is a hard working man with a zest for life & an itch to retire. He's welcome to come back to Florida for a visit, but only if he puts his teeth in his mouth.

19 down - 981 to go


S. Patton said...

I'm laughing so hard at Clyde...what a nut!! Beautiful pictures of Carole and your family. And I love reading about each person - what a wonderful project you have started :)

Audrey said...

What a great tribute to your family members! I'm lovin' this.

Anonymous said...

I love all these photos. The little girl is precious, and Clyde exemplifies how much fun life is when you meet every moment as an opportunity to say yes. Oh, do I sound like I'm paraphrasing Craig?