Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Step Closer

After a very long afternoon which melted into evening we are one step closer to owning the little red cottage. Yesterday we met with every conceivable local business person who might need something from us over the course of the next few weeks. We ended our day at the cottage with "The Inspector." He was not only thorough but he had a nightmare story to tell with every click of his pen or flash of his light. We knew it was going to take a while. It didn't help that outside work had to be halted 3 times for thunder storms which blew in from the west. The final straw came when the power died just as the 45-minute well test began. And then we sat, The Kid, The Inspector, the current owners (lovely folks) and myself, in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. Finally common sense kicked in and we made arrangements for the inspector to return at a later date to finish and we all headed home.

By this time we were three hours late for a lamb on the rod dinner, the sore throat that had been lurking all day reared it's ugly head, and we were beat. We were however, still smiling at all the possibilities waiting for us at the little red cottage.


We are leaving western Pennsylvania this morning. This time we won't return until closing. In the meantime I have to get over whatever this bug is that hit me yesterday because I have grandchildren to play with tonight! See you soon Miss A and the G-man.

1 comment:

S. Patton said...

Sounds like you need a little R&R! I know the perfect place - it's a perfect little cottage tucked away on a lake!! Hope all goes smoothly with the remainder of your checklist. Feel better and enjoy your g.babies!