Sunday, July 25, 2010

More 1,000 Faces

It's time for a 1,000 Faces progress report. All I can say is that at the rate I am progressing, I will need to live to be 100 in order to complete the challenge.


Susan is my name sister, a kindred spirit, a photography enthusiast, a friend. She is funny and fun, kind hearted and beautiful inside and out. (I think I said that before, but it's true.) She is also long suffering, after all she patiently listened to me babble on and on during our all too short lunch date.


David is the irreverant Reverand and any church in the land would be blessed to have him serve. He is anal, accepting, analytical, approachable, artistic and altruistic. He loves to fish and it matters not if he catches a 20" Holy Mackeral or a 4" catfish. It's all the same to him. In addition he is FUN, which is why after 25 years we still love him and call him friend.

Eva Kate

Isn't that a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl? EK is granddaughter to the Reverand and Kay. She has wonderfully expressive eyes and a smile that will melt your heart. I'd say Eva Kate hit the jackpot in the gene pool. Way to go Mom & Dad.


Kay, Mom, KayKay. She is wife to David and grandma to EK & Carter. Kay is a planner, an organizer and a much better cook than she lays claim to. She is a good listener and an even better friend. She loves the beach and I know that the past 25 years would not have been nearly so good without her in my life. I love you K.


Do you see it? Do you see the mischief and mayhem dancing behind those baby blues? Trust me, they're there. Carter is a busy 18 month old with two of the biggest dimples I have ever seen in my life. He is grandson to Kay and cousin to Eva Kate. And just in case you might be wondering about the mischief and mayhem, I'd say that clearly he inherited them from his Mother.

43 down, 957 to go

1 comment:

Kay Carboni said...

Thanks for sharing! Love you!