I flew to SC on Saturday afternoon for a quick visit. When too many weeks go by without some lovin from the grandkids my right eye begins to twitch. That's how D knows it's time to book a flight or fill the gas tank and send me on my merry way.
Allie's four now you know. I didn't arrive in time to attend her birthday bash at Monkey Joes on Saturday morning, but I did arrive in time to attend the party of her friend Grayson later in the day. It was held outdoors, at a church camp, complete with a hay ride and a blazing fire. I'm certain it seemed like a good idea at it's inception but what Grayson's parents didn't bank on when they drew up the plans for this shindig was the arctic deep freeze that had descended upon the southern part of the country.
However, being a doting grandmother and the good sport that I am I eagerly (ok, reluctantly) agreed to attend the event with Allie. After all I had missed her party, it was the least I could do.
I bundled up as best I could. Florida clothes aren't known for their warmth. I spent the better part of the afternoon chasing Gabers around the basketball court on two blocks of ice that were once my feet and huddled around the bonfire with fingers too frozen to even think about roasting a marshmallow. I couldn't grasp the stick. I even climbed aboard the rickety hay wagon for a turn around the camp grounds. I am certain that the wind chill factor was 20 below. It was a tough job fighting off the wee ones for those blankets but I'm strong and I persevered. My eyelids were frozen solid by the time the tractor rattled to a stop and it was hours before I could resume routine blinking.
All of this I did in the name of love. After all this was Baby Girl, my one and only granddaughter. I would do just about anything for her.
So you can imagine my dismay when at the end of this very long and very cold evening she looked up at me with those big blue eyes and stated, every so confidently, "Grammy, you smell old."