Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Grandkids

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
From Maine to Manhatten
After a month in the north woods with NO traffic and not many people, you can imagine the culture shock that hit us when we visited the fabulous island of Manhattan on Sunday.
And no it wasn’t in the original plan for this trip. But we have been known to re-plan should a better offer come along. And a day in the City was most definitely an offer worthy of consideration.

We began the day zipping through traffic, flying under the George Washington Bridge, zooming by the Intreped and gawking appropriately as the bustling city passed quickly before us. I think it’s important to share that we last visited NYC 36 years ago, where the very same thing took place (the zooming, zipping, flying and gawking) with the very same cast of characters. The only difference was this time I was in the back seat of a much more comfortable Jeep Grand Cherokee instead of a VW Beetle. The driver and his driving skills remained the same. (The last two dark hairs remaining on my head dove for cover only to emerge as white as the rest of them.)
Oh how I wish I was home and could dig up the photos taken on that long ago visit to NY. I don’t think the four of us have changed one bit but you’ll just have to take my word on that.

We ended our day in NY with dinner in the theatre district. Weeks overdue for a haircut, with only jeans and sweatshirts that smelled of smoke and pine you can imagine how I felt dining with the elegant sophisticates that surrounded us.
A walk around Time Square completed the day. The crowds, the traffic, and the noise were almost more than I could bear. It was exhausting and exhilarating at the same time.

And then it was over. We climbed into the car (after sacrificing our mortgage payment for September to cover the cost of parking), and zipped and zoomed and flew again, sometimes in circles, but always at wharp speed.
I think for me, the highlight of the past two months just might be the time spent with these wonderful friends, both in Maine and at their home in CT. The years melted away and conversation began where it left off ten years ago. We had such a great time together that we have agreed to do it again…soon.
Thanks for a great time A & B. See you in Alaska!
Friday, September 18, 2009

When we arrived in Maine it was summer. I’m not certain when it happened but it is no longer summer in the northeast. Fall has arrived. I wish I could stretch our visit another two weeks so I could witness the final transformation from the greens of summer to the colors of autumn. But I must head south. I have friends to visit and I have a date with a little girl a week from Saturday to watch her first soccer game. That is something I wouldn’t miss for anything.
I have a few thoughts on the past month I would to share:
Favorite Cottage: Beach Walk (this week)
Favorite Town: Eastport
Best Day: Whale watching
Best Moment: Stumbling upon Mama Moose and her children
Favorite Food: Lobstah Rolls
Best Lobster Roll: Helen’s in Macchias
Most Pleasant Discovery: Most small (tiny) towns have libraries with WiFi
Best Library: Sorrento (it’s close)
Favorite Spot: Embdon Pond at sunrise
Best Memory: Laughing with old friends
Biggest Surprise: How far the tide fluctuates. (And how much money you can spend on lunch when you eat lobster every day!)
Best Place to Sleep: HOME

I would love to spend the entire summer here. The problem would be deciding between the mountains and lakes or the sea. Maybe next time we’ll just head west.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Acadia National Park and Lobster Rolls

Monday, September 14, 2009
Points south

Yesterday we ventured north to the portion of Acadia National Park that is less famous. It was a gloomy, overcast day but the park was impressive in spite of the weather.
By now you all must be tired of fishing villages, lobster boats and rocks. I still can’t get enough of any of it, always in search of the perfect photograph. (When I find it I will be sure to let you know.) Below are a couple of shots from Acadia as well as Sorrento’s harbor.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Thar She Blows