Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On the Road



See you soon.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Over


It's over.  Thanksgiving 2011 is officially in the books.  It also means that we have completed our first full season at the Little Red Cottage.  It is time to pack up and head south.....again.  This time for good.

It's also time to begin wrapping my head around Christmas, Florida and the Caribbean.  It all seems so foreign sitting here looking out at the lake through drizzling rain and feeling the chill in the air.  But starting bright and early tomorrow morning I will have 23 hours in the car to get used to the idea.

Something tells me that by hour 23 White Christmas will have a whole new meaning.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Do You Do It?

How does one fit five adults and two children into 800 sq. ft. and one bathroom for four days?

All egos are checked at the door along with the need for privacy.  A sense of humor is a must.  The rough edges are sanded smooth with laughter and an occasional step outside for a breath of fresh air.  A turn on the swings with the little ones is an added bonus.

The little red cottage appears to thrive on the chaos.  So much so that eight more are added for dinner. Her aging walls magically expand to accept each addition.  Marbles are scattered willy nilly across the floor mixed together with discarded crayons and the ever present video game.  Blankets and pillows are piled high in the corners, dishes accumulate in the sink.  A warming fire dances on the hearth and laughter fills every corner.

Somehow it works.

As this Thanksgiving holiday draws to a close and the little red cottage slowly empties, a quiet air of contentment fills her once bulging spaces.


I think I see her smiling.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Morning After


The fishermen are gone.  Early risers anticipating a long day on the water.  It is 5:30 a.m.   Sleep will not return.  A thousand stars light up the night sky.  The little cottage is still.  The aroma of fresh brewed coffee beckons, a gift from the fishermen.  The glow from the little heater in the corner lights my way.

Sitting quietly in the dark I offer my thanks for the sleeping children in the next room; for the cousins heading north on the Interstate in search of Steel Head Trout; making a memory.

The sky is beginning to lighten.  The silver glow of the lake is now visible in the pre-dawn light.   My stomach rumbles its rebellion from a day of over indulgence.   Soon there will be footsteps and giggles as the second generation of cousins prepares for a trip to the theater.  From 3 to 14 they sense the bond of family.

Life is good.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

May your turkey be moist;
your cranberries tart;
and your Pilgrims plump.


My hope is that you are sharing this day with the ones you love.  I know I am.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November Passes


Caught in a time warp between the splendor of fall and the promise of Christmas, November passes.

The earth lies dormant beneath gray skies and barren trees.  The smell of burning wood permeates the air.  It is dreary, dismal and depressing.  I like it.

Perhaps because I know that sunshine, blue skies and warm Gulf breezes await my return.  Or perhaps because I know that when November presents itself in its dull grays and browns Thanksgiving is just around the corner.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Textured Yarns


There is no place in which to hide
When Age comes seeking for his bride.
                                                   Joyce Kilmer


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Turkey Talk

  • Who's baking the pecan pie?
  • Do you think a 23 pound turkey is big enough?
  • If we put 10 people here we can put 8 in the other room.
  • Who's sitting with the kids?
  • Maybe we need a turkey breast too....just in case.
  • I'll pare the potatoes ahead of time.  Do you think 10 pounds are enough?
  • What about paper plates?
  • Cups?
  • Amy's baking all of the deserts?????  Really??  
  • How many people did you say will be here this year?
  • Maybe we should cook more potatoes.  Have you seen Patrick eat lately?
  • I'll fix a salad.
  • An extra vegetable would be good. 
  • We're short one oven this year.  How are we going to do this?
  • Don't forget to take the turkey out of the freezer in time to defrost.
  • Sweet potatoes, who's preparing the sweet potatoes?

I may be crazy but it's still my favorite holiday.   

Gobble, gobble

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Silver and Gold

Make new friends,
keep the old;
One is silver,
the other gold.


I must be worth a fortune.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Signs of the Times

Several of you have commented on the new banner photograph.  It was a lucky shot.   A gift.  A drive by.  Taken somewhere in West Virginia speeding along the highway at 70 mph.

It seems I can no longer ride in the car for more than an hour without some sort of entertainment.  The battery on my computer is shot and I am no longer permitted to use the adapter purchased for such circumstances.  (The Kid believes it is the source of the electrical problems responsible for the demise of the Beast.)  Reading for long periods makes me nauseous and I don't knit.  There is only one thing left...my camera.

On our most recent trip I whiled away the hours taking snap shots of bill boards.  I have gone through them with a fine tooth comb and have selected the ones I found most interesting.  I believe they are the signs of our times.










Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Than a Pet

I am the rock star of her world.  She watches my every move.  She dogs my every step.

I trip over her in the dark of night.  She never complains.

I keep her bowls filled with food and water.  I walk her when she needs relief.

She gifts me each day with enough hair to assemble a coat of the finest golden fur.

I talk to her incessantly.  She understands.  Understands enough to sit quietly until the chatter stops; then drifts easily off to sleep.

When I am gone from the house she lies at the front door, anxiously awaiting my return.  Day and night.

Her devotion knows no bounds.

She's more than a pet.


She's family.

So how do I tell her I don't want all of that hair?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The quality of being thankful.


I am grateful for:
  •        a friend who shares a bottle of wine on a September afternoon
  •        the aroma of fresh brewed coffee
  •       geese in the cove
  •       the brother who places his life on hold in order to care for his dying sister
  •       a neighbor who cares enough to clean my freezer after a week without power
  •       the unconditional love of a dog
  •       my sister who willingly shares her home with our Mother
  •       the walkers who hold my feet to the fire at 7 a.m. every morning
  •       a cold drink on a hot day
  •      the return to health of someone I cherish.  I'm glad you're back.  I missed you.
  •      rocks found hidden in corners and cushions, remnants of a visit from a special little boy
  •      his sister whose smile lights up a room, and my heart
  •      sons who call home just to say hello
  •      a daughter (in-law) who always makes me feel welcome
  •      Mimosas on Christmas morning
  •      the golden light of sunset
  •      the quiet of the pre-dawn hour
  •      palm trees swaying in the breeze
  •      twin fawns frolicking in the lane
  •      family who cheats at Uno (you know who you are)
  •      neighbors who welcome strangers and then call them friend
  •      roast turkey
  •      stuffing, the old fashioned way
  •      and mashed potatoes whipped to perfection
  •      The Kid, who is always there for me
For all of this and more,

I am grateful.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Embracing the Spirit, or Not


I wonder.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to embrace the Christmas spirit when the temperature is 80 degrees and sweat is dripping off the tip of your nose?

I am decorating for Christmas, hauling out the holly and hanging tinsel on the evergreen boughs.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Moi, the procrastinator of all procrastinators is ahead of the game, decorated for Christmas before the Thanksgiving turkey exits the freezer.  Damn I'm good.

It seemed to be a good idea to take advantage of our three week hiatus from western Pennsylvania's dreary skies and make advanced preparations for what is certain to be a hectic December.  The problem, it's sultry.  It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas feels more like A Tropical Heat Wave.   The Kid offered to dig out the holiday Cd's in an attempt to aid the cause.

I think I'll just opt for a shower.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Capri Pants

It's a disgrace.  Heads should roll.  Time should be served in retail purgatory.  Someone must be held accountable.  Because the last time I checked, this is South Florida.  Winter consists of temperatures that dip into the mid 60s. The only visible white stuff is found blowing around on the beach.  So why on God's green earth are there no Capri pants hanging on the racks in our local retail establishments?  None.  Zip.  Nada.

I do not need wool sweaters.  Down vests.  Uggs.  Jeans made from denim heavy enough for an Alaskan blizzard.

I need easy, breezy tops and t-shirts.  I need shorts and sandals.


It's a travesty.  I should protest.  Have a sit in.  Start a movement.


Occupy Chicos.

I think I'm on to something.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Not Giving Up

I may be relaxing in sunny Florida, but I'm not quite ready to give up on fall.


I think I detect a chill in the air.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What a Difference a Week Makes

One week removed from seeing this,


and this.


We saw this,


and this,


and these.




And then there was this.


What a difference a week makes.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Something Old


They beckon me.  Draw me in on wings of age and decay and wonder.  These structures of times gone by.

It was during the great family photo shoot that my eye wandered.  To broken glass.  To weeds meandering with abandonment.  To bricks warding off decay like ageing centuries guarding the palace.

A million stories are woven throughout this tapestry of decay and ruin.  This blight upon the landscape. What transpired behind these walls?  What was created here?  Who were the people laboring within?  Where are they now?  And why?  Why was it left to fade and crumble?

Where others see blight,  I see beauty.  And charm.  And grace.

And I want to know its story.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time to Go

Perched safely on high ground at the edge of the lake, the dock patiently awaits the onslaught of snow and ice, while the boat shivers in silence in the confines of the barn.  Gold and red and orange have turned to brown and float quietly to earth.  The wind gusting across the usually calm water beckons the arrival of the arctic express that will soon be storming across the plains.

"It's time to go" he said.  It was stated simply, in the deep voice of authority.  The one that commands respect and brokers no argument.  The one I envision co-workers and subordinates loved to hate.

He had just returned from eight days spent in a warmer, sunnier clime, seduced by a serotonin high.  There would be no discussion.  Summer was spent and we were heading south.  We would soon join the geese that gather in our little cove, assuming our position in the long line of snow birds taking flight for the annual migration.


I wanted to drag my feet.  Hold on until the last leaf fell.  But I knew he was right.

Summer is spent.

Autumn has wrapped itself in a blanket of dried and decaying leaves.  Winter is knocking on the door.  The arctic express has left the station.

It's time to go home.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Anatomy of a Photo Shoot

Today's extremely photo heavy post is a behind the scenes look at a family photo shoot.  What you get to see is the final product, the best of the best.  Images carefully selected for perfection.  What you do not see is the organized chaos that goes on behind the scenes to produce that perfection.

What it takes?  Two eager parents; two adequately bribed children; an abandoned warehouse; a beautiful fall morning; an art director, photographer Momma; a lot of silliness; and a dash of tears for good measure.

And so, without further adieu I present  Anatomy of a Photo Shoot.

















The End.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Listening to the Music

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.  ~Minnie Aumonier


Are you listening?