Traveling messes with my mojo.
With each passing year my attention span grows shorter and shorter. A week away from routine leaves me scattered and unfocused. Fortunately this morning I awoke with the thread of a thought that has managed to stay with me. This means you're in luck. There will be a post today. Whether or not it makes sense is still up in the air.
Last week western Pennsylvania was sporting it's spring finery..grey skies, snow flurries, and temperatures that fluctuated from 28 degrees to 66 on the day I left for Florida. There were occasional breaks in the cloud cover allowing the sun to peek through, but for the most part it was typical western PA gray.
When I arrived I was excited to find the lake still frozen over. In all the years I lived in PA, I had never seen this sight. (Apparently when the temperatures dropped and the snow fell, we stuck close to home.)
The only thing missing was sunshine and the foot of snow I was hoping to find.
There were hopeful signs of spring along the edge of the lake. Not a good sight for the ice fisherman dotting the horizon, but a welcome reprieve for the ever present Canadians.
Do you think their feet ever get cold?
My visit to PA went quickly. Time was spent with my big sis, our Moms and the Principal. I checked on Little Red (more on that later) and got a shopping fix with Marcia.
I'm thinking that a winter vaca to the cottage should become an annual event.
Perhaps then I'd get that foot of snow.
I missed seeing you when you were here. :(
Glad you're back. Still waiting on the update on Little Red!! Also, you could always make a winter trip to CT. We had great snow this year!
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