Saturday, March 2, 2013

Friendly Skies

Yesterday I took to the friendly skies,  rocketed through the dense cloud cover of a dreary day and into the the calming blue that is life above the clouds.  The last time I made this trip life was a whirlwind of uncertainty.  This time it is all for the joy of it.

A visit with my big sis, time spent with Mom, checking in with Bubba, and perhaps the most anticipated of all... a sneak peek at Little Red.

I am posting from my iPad and not able to add new photos so you will have to wait until next week to see her progress.  The good news is that the "mother of all firewalls" has been breached and I have access!

This morning I am content to  sip coffee and watch the flurries fly.  The next two days carry the promise of laughter, for this weekend is all about family.

On Monday, I am BAA bound.

I'll be spending a lot of time in the Principal's' office next week and I can't wait.

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