There is nothing quite like living in a small town. It is the place where everybody knows your name. At least they do if you have lived there for the entire span of your life (which we have not). Small towns are novels in their own right, filled with quirky characters, mystery, and intrigue. Our little town is no different.
Every September, like clock work, on the Tuesday after Labor Day the Fair comes to town. School is closed for the week because that's what you do. And because the Fair takes place on the school grounds, right smack dab in the middle of town. During Fair Week everything comes to a stand still and everyone goes to the Fair.
This year Fair Week was kicked off with the first annual 5K race. And guess who participated?
Yep, the BAA Babes (minus one, who is still recuperating from foot surgery). We didn't run, we walked. But we finished in fine fashion and even managed to score a couple of T-shirts. (I hope those three little girls I knocked down on the way to finish line will be all right.)
Last night The Kid and I headed back into town. It was Thursday evening and in addition to the braised steak on the menu at the Lions Club's building, a hymn sing was also on tap. Where else but in small town America would you find a hymn sing at the local 2014?
The Kid went to sing. I went to peruse the offerings in the gymnasium. The competitive part of the fair. There were table after table of tomatoes, watermelon, blueberries, corn, wheat, grapes, sunflowers and whatever else can be grown, submitted and judged in this neck of the woods. There were exhibits for art and photography which is my particular favorite and of course political booths filled with small town politicians making their pitch to all would listen.
But it is outside where the action is. Where the quirky characters hang and the mystery and drama unfolds.
It is where the rides spin, and whirl in a kaleidoscope of color. It is also where the food wagons are located.
Who in their right mind can pass up funnel cakes, sno-kones and hot sausage sandwiches?
Surely not me.
This is small town living at it's best. Because amid the quirky, the mystery and the intrigue friendship and kindness abounds. There is an aura of steadfastness and dependability that permeates the air and lifts the spirit. I am proud to a be a part of it.
Even if nobody knows my name.