Last night I went to a party. It was so much fun chatting with the girls and reconnecting with people I haven't seen in months or longer. But this wasn't just any old run of the mill holiday party, it was a baby shower. I haven't attended a baby shower in years. Children aside, I just don't know anyone anymore who is of baby-bearing age. Or so I thought.
Baby showers have evolved over the years. Everyone was drinking wine (except for Mom of course), sharing war stories about giving birth, and generally having a good time. There weren't any silly games, everyone was relaxed and having fun (possibly the result of all that flowing wine), and honestly if it weren't for the gifts you might never guess the real purpose for the gathering. Well maybe the fact the attendees were all women and the obvious guest of honor had a cute little baby bump would give it away, but you get my point. It was a good time.
The truly wonderful and amazing thing about this event is the happy couple. They met 8 or 9 years ago when he moved to the island and married soon after. He had a high profile job in city government, she with the local elementary school. It's a small town, everybody new them...and loved them. They moved away 18 months ago and left a hole in the hearts of many. When word came that they were expecting a baby, folks around these parts were ecstatic...after they recovered from the shock that is. You see Mom is of the over 40 set and Dad, well let's just say he has seen the half century mark.
Now if this were me, I would be suicidal. And I'm not joking. But these two are delighted, thrilled, joyous and over the moon. This is baby number 3 for Mom, numero uno for Papa. I don't know when I have ever seen an expectant father so excited. The man is positively beaming. He is having a son. It warmed my heart just being around these two last night. Someone said God really does have a sense of humor. I say he has a big heart.
Congratulations K & D. Can't wait to meet the little man upon arrival.