Thursday, December 2, 2010

This and That

After spending 22 of the past 48 hours in the car I look and feel a lot like the little Missy.


I am tired.  I am heading to bed.  Soon.  Very soon.  Even though I did not sit behind the wheel for one single mile of the two day drive.  (I think it's a guy thing.)

I read a book.  An entire book. Today.  I drove The Kid crazy listening to college sports talk radio.  (At our house this is not a guy thing.)  I won millions playing the slots.  And I drank a lot of coffee.

Yesterday I was productive.  It rained all day allowing me to process wedding pictures.  (Yes, A & E, they are coming.)  I can't do that when the sun is shining.  It is too difficult to accurately see the monitor.

We are expecting a low of 47 tonight.  The view out my back door says Florida; the cold north wind says something else.

For the first time in 3 1/2 months I can take a shower and move my arms.

I can also go to bed and sleep soundly all night without bumping into The Kid.  Is that too much information?

The house tripled in size while we were away.  Is it an optical illusion or a figment of my imagination?

It was really good to see our neighbors.  I guess you know you are good friends when you can run across the street and visit in your pajamas.

Do all houses smell musty when they are closed up and not used for three months?

The Kid wants to turn the heat on.  I may have to hurt him.

On that note I better say good-night.  I'll be back tomorrow.  Hopefully in the light of day the fog will clear from my brain and I will be able to write something that makes sense.

Hopefully, but don't hold your breath.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, er, welcome to your first home, er, your adopted home. Summer home? Home away from home? Southern home?

Wherever. I give up.

Audrey said...

While I laughed at and enjoyed the posts down memory lane, it's good to have you back "on the flip side!" And the Kid thought he was leaving cold weather behind......

Judy H. said...

Glad you had a safe trip. It is really cold here and there is snow. Enjoy your warm and sunny winter.