Monday, December 20, 2010

Life on the High Seas

Our recent vacation on the high seas began with such promise.  The temperature on departure was cool by south Florida standards but pleasant non-the less.  There was a sense of excitement, even expectation in the air.


It was palpable when the ship's horn bellowed our good-bye and we slipped away from the dock.  The Kid & I assumed our usual position on one of the upper decks and watched Florida's east coast disappear over the horizon along with the setting sun.


We were on our way. Glasses were lifted in a toast to our good fortune and the four us sat back to savor the evening.


That is how it began, this little vacation of ours.  You already know it ended badly, at least for me.  But wedged in between the hectic days in port and the relaxing days at sea was an adventure.


Time was spent exploring the many nooks and crannies of our home away from home.  And always, always there were people to watch.


On day two a crisis of major proportions was averted when the electronic bingo machine went down.  From somewhere deep within the bowels of our state of the art vessel an old fashioned ball turner and Bingo board was produced.  The day was saved but there were many disgruntled passengers who were forced to hand in their electronic monitors and go it alone with a tear sheet and hand held blotter.  There was tension in the air and mutany on the minds of some.


Life on the high seas is rife with tribulation.

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