Summer is fleet of foot. It sprints out of the starting gate fueled by ambitious thoughts of vegetable gardens, flower blossoms, long walks, day trips to interesting places, family picnics and sunset cruises on the lake. By the end of the first turn it settles into a rhythm all its own. One day follows the next and before you know it the finish line is in sight.
If I could I would make it a marathon. One that meanders through country roads lined with custard stands; that follows the curve of a sandy beach and winds its way up a mountain that peaks with a view that takes away my breath. I would slow the pace until the days stretched endlessly before me and not cross the finish line until the last leaf has fallen from the oak tree outside my kitchen window.
But sadly, summer is a sprinter. Fleet of foot, its outstretched hand eager to pass the baton to a waiting fall.
Like an ice cream cone on a 90 degree day, enjoy it while it lasts.
Beautiful and so poetic.... Beautiful.
You've said it so well! I saw one of my friends posted a list of all the things she hasn't yet done this summer but wants to on FB. I think that's a good idea so I didn't just spend the whole summer doing yardwork.
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