Sunday, June 26, 2011

All the Marbles

On Sunday afternoon The Kid and I visited a local flea market.  It was located on the grounds of an old drive-in movie theatre.  (Remember the good ole days?)  I have to confess that I have been less than enamoured with most of the flea markets I have visited in recent years and I didn't hold out much hope for this one.  Most of them are nothing more than glorified dollar stores with stall after stall of discounted cleaning products and t-shirts.  But this little beauty was lined with row upon row of pure junk and yard sale finds.  It was splendid.

Hidden among all of that junk were nuggets of treasure that made my little heart go pity pat.  One such nugget was almost missed, sitting on the ground hidden among old axe handles and baby toys.


An old, blue, 1 qt. mason jar filled to the brim with marbles.  I knew instantly that the old jar was coming home with us.


What could be more intriguing to a little boy who loves anything that "has wheels, rolls, stinks or can be thrown" than a jar filled with old marbles.  It took less than two minutes to seal the deal.


I have a feeling that once the G-man returns home after his next visit we'll be finding marbles in our many nooks and crannies until well past Christmas.  But it will be worth it just to see the look of joy on that little boy's face when he gets a good look at what's inside of that old jar. And seriously, what a find.


You can call us the Pymatuning Pickers.

Do you think they will give us our own tv show?

Link to Project 365.


Emily said...

I would watch that show. Emily was reading this and saw the picture and screamed "MARBLES" so I this all th kids will enjoy them but I do agree G-man will love them.

Tim Logan said...

G man will love them! It will truly be a treasure found for him.

Judy H. said...

My grandma had an old can of marbles and it is one of the things I remember most about visiting her. This post brought a smile to my face.

Bethany Patton said...

I guarantee when we visit, you will be finding marbles in your washing machine. G loves to stick things in his pockets. Yes, GREAT FIND! Props to Grammy. Pappy, you had a great find too....just not something for the grandkids to play with.