Saturday, April 14, 2012

Vision and Verb

Most mornings I wake early, pour a cup of coffee and settle in for my daily trek around the world wide web. My destinations are blogs and web sites related to photography in some form or fashion.  It is a well worn path I travel, one with many detours along the way.  In fact it is often the detours that prove to be the most interesting parts of the journey.

At times the detours have led me down narrow pathways that end in thorny brambles.  Websites that hold no interest for me.  Places where the words and imagery are uninspiring.  Occasionally the detours lead me to clear mountain streams and colorful gardens.  Places that amuse, intrigue and inspire.  Places that expand my horizons and make me think.


Vision and Verb is one such place.   I stumbled upon this little gem several months ago and it quickly became one of the places I can't wait to visit each morning.  Vision and Verb is a gathering of "women of a certain age." (Don't you love that?)  Children of the 60's, "not quite old enough to be truly wise, not young enough to be that innocent and naive." From around the globe, these talented women have linked cyber hands and now share their creative passions through vision and through verb.

Today I am honored to have been asked to contribute as a guest blogger on this wonderful site.  I can tell you that it is one thing to write for myself, to scatter words across the page that need only appeal to the limited audience that is you, the magnificent eleven.  And quite another to write with broader interest.

I hope you will take a minute today to join me at Vision and Verb.  Not to see what I have to say, because you have been down that road, but to explore and savor this unique window on the world.   Who knows, Vision and Verb may be for you what it was for me, a detour that led to a colorful garden.   One filled with blossoms so abundant and so fragrant, they keep you coming back for more.

1 comment:

Ginnie Hart said...

This is such a beautiful tribute to what has been part of my life for 2+ years now, Susan. THANK YOU for joining us as a guest. Part of the joy of such collaborations is that we keep meeting more and more wonderful women...just like you!