Monday, August 25, 2014

Fantasy Time


Football season is upon us and in our house that can only mean one thing...Fantasy Football.

The Kid was off to Nashville over the weeknd for the 10th annual Fantasy Football Draft.  It is hard to believe the boys have been at this for ten years.  With few exception, the participants have remained the same, eagerly making the trek to Nashville for the annual event and a little boy bonding.

Word on the street is that things have changed since the early years when the boys were fresh out of collage, stayed up late, consumed copious amounts of beer, ate hotdogs, then slept til noon.  Fast forward ten years.  They are family men, early risers with light beer on the menu and everyone brings a dish to pass.

The circle of life.

It's not a fantasy.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Thought of all of you over the weekend as Tyler and Louie were involved in their draft! LOVE the pic...