Monday, March 7, 2011

Henna Speaks


Hey, internet...are you out there?  Wonder what this button does?  Oh, there you are.

Henna here.  Don't tell my people but I've commandeered the magic box while they're still sleeping.  They don't think I can make it work but I've got news for them.  I'm the brains around this operation and today I've got a few things I'd like to discuss.

First, I have a bone to pick, well actually I don't, and that's the problem.  You see they never share their bones.  Real bones, juicy bones with a little meat still attached are figments of my doggy imagination.  After a good meal they are quickly whisked away tossed in the trash like yesterday's news.   But I can smell them.  And they smell ohhhh soooo good.  I wish someone would look down and see the drool dripping from my chin...surely if they looked they'd see my desire.  Wouldn't they?  What's a girl got to do to get noticed? They tell me it's for my own good.  Bones might upset my tummy. How long must I be punished?  It was only one little spot on the carpet.  It's not fair internet.  Not fair at all.    

And another thing, they never.  Ever. Never let me loose to run. Why is that?  I always get the red leash which means I have to go where they want me to go and I want to RUN.  I want to stick my nose into rabbit holes, and smell the scents of the wild.  I want to stretch my legs and run free. Just run.  And run. And run some more.  I'd come home.  I always do.  Well don't I?  And when I do it's house arrest for me.  Why is that?  I'm a teenager now and I need my independence.  I'm also a dog. And dogs run.  I wish one of you kind internet folks would have a talk with my people.  Could you do that for me?  I'd be your best friend.

Like, forever.

Link to Project 365



Anonymous said...

Wow for Henna. My dogs could never master the internet. Now, on Henna's behalf, we need to talk........

Emily said...

Henna, Emily said this morning that when you all come north this spring, she will try and talk to Aunt Sue for you. I hope she has some luck. But also Aunt Judi will be there soon.