Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Turned Out the Lights

Yooooo, hooo.  Anybody home?  Who turned out the lights?


I'm back.  Did you miss me?  I felt as if I had abandoned ship and the guilt was almost too much for me to bear.  (Almost being the operative word here.)  But the truth is I needed a blog vaca, R & R, down time from the frenetic life of a blogger.  Why you ask?  Because lately I have struggled with finding words to write and anecdotes to relay.  I diagnosed myself with a case of blog-burnout and self-medicated with a cruise to the Caribbean.  Usually I attempt to post ahead if I know I am going to be gone but this time I just locked the door and walked away.  I didn't even leave a note.  I felt badly about that too but not bad enough to cough up enough cash to cover the outrageous cost of internet time on the high seas.

Now after cruising the azure blue water of the Caribbean with The Kid, feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face and eating more than humanly possible I am back.  The salt air has cleared the fog from my brain and  I have determined that this self-imposed commitment to post something on a daily basis is absurd.  My life is just not that interesting, nor am I that creative.  And besides, the pay is lousy.  So I am changing my status from full-time to part-time and life will go on.  On some weeks I may be here every day, others only once or twice.  Hopefully by removing the pressure to perform daily I'll free up the log jam of words in my head and life will be good.

This decision could also, quite possibly save the life of my couch where I reside for hours each day pondering the state of my life and composing my literary masterpieces.


Kay Carboni said...

I wondered where you were! I should have known.

Anonymous said...

I knew it. Breaks are good. -k-