Friday, March 11, 2011

Shoo Fly

Yesterday morning we had a wicked thunderstorm that caused the power to surge (knocking out our new HD cable box) and the rain to fall in torrents.  I was stuck inside wondering what I was going to do for a Project 365 photo.  A little shopping jaunt into Naples soothed my troubled soul and I returned with a fresh attitude (and a clearing sky).  I ventured outdoors wondering what I might find after the rain and wasn't disappointed.

Initially I was on the hunt for water droplets left clinging for their lives to flower petals and pretty green leaves.  And then I noticed these.


Tiny little flys with the most interesting colorations were adorning the shrubbery just outside my back door.

To give you a little perspective on the size of these critters I backed out and shot the image below.


I don't know what kind of fly they might be, perhaps a fruit fly, but they were about the size of my finger nail.


They were also much less skittish than the bees and allowed me ample time to set up and shoot before flying off for parts unknown.


It really is amazing what you see when you take the time to look.  (Of course it helps to have a macro lens to get up close and personal.)

Link to Project 365

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