Our neighbor's grandchildren were visiting last week. It was wonderful hearing the shouts and laughter of children around the cottage. Of course you know that it made me miss my munchkins. It must be time for a visit....soon.
Henna has now been on the boat three times. She still pants and shakes but her tongue isn't quadrupling in size so I guess that's progress. The funny thing is, when you ask her if she want to go on the boat she gets all excited, runs to the dock and jumps aboard. I think she is conflicted.
We had a wonderful visit with old friends last Saturday. The weather didn't cooperate and we were forced to remain indoors but that didn't dampen the day too much. A & I can chit chat in any weather!
Speaking of old friends , the fourth of July weekend is looming and K & D are on their way. K & D hail from the great state of Alabama and are making the trek north of the Mason Dixon line to spend the holiday weekend with us at the little red cottage. Good times and laughter are on the agenda but aren't they always when good friends come to call?
Posting will be spotty until after the holiday...just so ya know.
Link to Project 365.