If I sit as still as possible, cease breathing and hold my tongue in my cheek in just the right spot my computer will run. Let's see if I can actually complete a post.
The bathroom saga continues. We have a working shower now, but no sink or toilet. You read that correctly. Once the tear out began for the installation of the shower we knew things had to be taken a step farther. You can interpret that as gut the bathroom. The gaping hole in the floor tile where the former shower protruded into the room and the inability to match the the 40 year old paneling left us little choice in the matter. The decision was a good one. Underneath the sunny yellow walls things were not as they should be.
Currently we have up to code insulation and sturdy green board on the walls, but little else. No sink. No toilet. The Little Red Cottage is a one bathroom deal. There is no second bath to shoulder the load. (Pun not intended.) However our neighbors two doors down had the foresight to plan a trip this week and we are wearing a path to their back door and their first floor powder room.
The contractor is golfing this morning (it's all about priorities), but assures us he will return soon to complete the work.
Soon isn't soon enough.
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