Friday, October 31, 2014

A Very Good Week

On this beautiful Friday morning I am happy to report it was a very good week.


Four wonderful days were spent in NC with the grandkids.  It doesn't get much better than that.

After a very long day on the road we arrived safely in south Florida.

The Kid tended to some quarterly "business."

Encouraging news was reported with regard to the health of a dear friend.

Days have been spent sweeping the dust out of the house.  It is amazing how much collects in the corners when a house sits idle and unused for the better part of six months.

Afternoons and evenings were reserved for catching up with good friends and neighbors.

I'm still adjusting to the change of environment.  Gone are the crisp cool mornings in their place warm sunshine and sea breezes.  Something tells me it won't take long!

Happy Halloween my friends.  Don't let those ghosts and goblins get you down.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It Was A Blast

This past weekend was spent taking in a Blast of a volleyball game.


The 8 & 9 year old B Blasts had it going on from the top of their pony tailed heads to the bottom of their brightly colored sneakers and our Miss A was in the thick of it.


It was all action.  All the time.
And occasionally the ball even found its way over the net.

Serve it up girl.


Grammmy!  Put that camera away!
(I was so busted.)


In spite of the loss the Blast was all smiles giving high five and congratulations to their opponents.
(But seriously, how fair is it beating someone half your size?  Just sayin.)

Oh, and this one?
He won.

But then again, the other team failed to show.

I think they were afraid.  Rumor has it the Blaze is a darn good soccer team with a coach who knows how to win.

Sunday, October 26, 2014



"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." ~ John Barrymore

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Discomfort of Comfort

Comfort food.  Those words conjure up images of macaroni and cheese, chicken noodle soup, scalloped potatoes, pasta, chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes.  (Just to name a few.)  It is all about taste and texture and comfort.

When the weather turns cool and the leaves begin to fall my desire for said comfort food reaches new heights.  I can't get enough.  It is an addiction of sorts.  Rich, creamy food washed down with the gifts of the season, pumpkin this or that or perhaps an apple pie or tart.  Eventually it happens..the discomfort.


The discomfort that comes from over indulging.  Eating too much of a good thing which leads to further discomfort.  The kind that comes when your clothes no longer fit.  Some say it is nature's way of preparing for the long winter.  Like squirrels and nuts the body stockpiles fat cells to insure survival during the long, harsh winter to come.

You would think that after all of these years my body would know better.  There is no such thing as a long, harsh winter in south Florida. There is a Publix and a Winn Dixie near by.  Both provide plenty of food to insure that I survive the 70 degree daytime highs and long walks along the beach.

And yet it happens every fall, right on cue, the desire for the comfort of food and the packing on of pounds.  What is a person to do?

For now I will squeeze myself into my too tight jeans and hope that when I reach the warm sea breezes in sunny Florida my craving for salads and all things healthy will kick in.  Until then?

Don't nag, just pass the mashed potatoes.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Numbers On My Days


The sky is gray.

Rain is falling.

The wind is blowing.

Trees are barren.

There are numbers on my days.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

From Brown To White And Back Again

Fifteen years ago I took the plunge.  After decades of fighting the grey that had overtaken my hair I surrendered, waved the white flag (literally) bid farewell to Lady Clairol and let Mother Nature have her way with me.


I admit the first few weeks were difficult.  Every time l looked in the mirror and that head of white looked back at me I would gulp.  Who was that old woman?  Certainly not me.  Eventually I grew accustomed to my new look.  The new, more natural me was just that, a more natural me.

Fast forward fifteen white hair is turning brown again.

And it aint pretty.

The well that services Little Red is deep and plentiful.  Our water is cold, clear and very usable however there is one itty bitty problem.  It is full of iron.  While not harmful to drink the iron content is so high that it stains everything, including my hair.  It is turning a dull, muddy shade of brown, much like a tea stain on a white linen tablecloth and it won't go away.

I have tried washing my hair in the sink with filtered water heated on the stove.  That process slowed the staining but did not eliminate it.  We had a filter installed that after three months I have declared a waste of money.  The only viable solution it seems is a whole house water softener.  The problem, we have nowhere to put it.  It needs to be installed where the well water enters Little Red, which is the kitchen.  The unit is too large to fit under the sink.  We have space in the utility room, but that is located at the opposite end of the house and would require a pricey reroute of our plumbing.  The biggest obstacle in our path however is that we winterize the cottage before we head south.  Shut everything off, drain the pipes and turn off the heat.  The unit we need can not be winterized.

Short of washing my hair with bottled water or shaving my head there is little I can do to solve the problem.  Unless... I leave town, go to Florida for the winter, grow out the dingy brown, and return to my au natural state.

That could work.

Until we return in the spring when the whole murky process begins anew.

As my friend Di Di would say, "it's a first world problem."


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Falling Leaves and Such

Sunday was a fabulous fall day.  The sun was shining.  The sky was a brilliant shade of blue.  The afternoon temperature settled nicely around the 65 degree mark.  We deemed it a perfect day to tackle our end of season outdoor work.


Leaves were mulched.  Porch furniture was hauled to the barn and replaced with the wood holder that was then stacked high with firewood.  Leaves were mulched.  Planters were emptied.  The canoe and kayak moved from the lake to their winter residence in the barn.  Did I mention leaves were mulched?

Most of the afternoon was spend on or behind a mower.  We have found that it is much easier to mulch the leaves as they fall instead of raking them.  Our other option is to pray for a windy day when the leaves are blown to the woods behind the barn.  Since we can't count on the latter we opted to mulch on Sunday.  It took all afternoon but eventually the job was done.  Completed.  Finished.

As dusk settled over the lake we sat with a glass of wine toasting our accomplishment.  Nary a leaf could be spotted on the newly mowed lawn. (Actually it is a stretch to call our property a lawn as one has to search in order to find actual grass.  But it's green and requires mowing so it qualifies in my book.)  We headed off to bed feeling quite pleased with ourselves.

Over night it rained.

The wind kicked up.

What we found on Monday morning?  Our newly mowed lawn had vanished.  Completely covered in freshly fallen leaves.  More leaves than were on the ground when we started to work on Sunday.  How could this be?  All that work!  All those leaves!  All that time!

Mother Nature has a sick sense of humor.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Caption Contest (Updated)


If I were to hold a caption contest for this photo what would you submit?

Think hard now.

I know what mine would be...I'll tell you tomorrow.

My caption would be (drum roll please)...Goosing Geese

Feel free to continue to add captions to the comment section.  (Thank you Audrey & Pappy)

Friday, October 10, 2014

It Was A Very Good Week

Autumn shifted into high gear this week.  Night-time temperatures dipped into the high 30s on a couple of occasions inviting us to have our first fire of the season (and second and third).


On Tuesday we made a day trip to Ellicotville, NY with our new old friends. Fall foliage, shopping and a brew pub were on the agenda.

I made my first batch of French Onion Soup in a gillion years.  It was wonderful.

Chris showed up on our doorstep late Wednesday evening.  He came to watch our great-nephew Patrick's high school football game on Saturday.  Go Bridgers.

The full moon Wednesday night was nothing short of magnificent.  When I wakened at 6:00 AM on Thursday morning the moonlight reflecting off the lake was a sight to behold.

An envelope arrived in the mail addressed to Pappy and Grammy.  Neatly folded inside we found two carefully drawn and colored pictures from our sweet G-man.  Thanks Buddy, you're the best.

The boat and dock are scheduled for removal from the lake today.  That makes it official.  Summer is over.

I'm looking forward to a weekend of family, football and fun.  Hope yours is all you wish it to be and more.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Time Keeps on Slipping

Time is slipping away.  Soon we will be packing up our summer threads and loading the car for the trip south.  Melancholy has begun to sneak in the back door.  It isn't that I don't like Florida.  I love palm trees and walks on the beach.  I especially love our time with friends and neighbors who make me laugh and share of themselves so graciously.

wEngulfed in flames

But my heart?  My heart is here, on the lake shore in this land of my childhood.  The land where the dandelions grow.  It is embedded in the perfectly imperfect walls of Little Red and along the 1/2 mile lane I walk on an almost daily basis.  It can be found on an early morning paddle and around a fire pit on a cool fall evening.

I see it in the subtle shades of pinks and purples that hug the lake and whisper sweet nothings long after the sun has set.  It runs with the white tails that sneak across the clearing behind the barn on their way to wherever the spirit leads them. It embraces the bright greens of early spring and the fading yellow and golds that tell me summer is gone.

In due time I will pack my bags and fly south with the birds.  I will enjoy the warmth of the southern sun on my face and the sight of swaying palms.  But my heart?  It will remain here, at Little Red, and patiently wait for my return.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

New Old Friends

We are off on an adventure today with our new old friends.  I know that I have mentioned them before but have not shared the story of how we reconnected with these lovely people.

On a Sunday morning in Florida last winter, The Kid and I were deeply involved in painting the house when Henna sounded the intruder alarm.  Standing on our front porch was a strange gentleman who told me he was looking for The Kid and did he still live here.  Hesitant and puzzled I stammered around and finally acknowledged that yes he did still live there.  It was then that The Kid rounded the corner, took one good look at the stranger and in instant recognition greeted him as a long lost friend.  Indeed he was.


Denny and The Kid grew up together in the wilds of a tiny community known as Pardoe.  They have many stories to share about life in the country in a time when kids had the freedom to roam at will. They peddled their bicycles from cornfields to strip mines and all parts in between and managed to get into a little mischief along the way.  Ahh, the good old days.

Denny and his wife happened to be spending a few weeks in south Florida.  He had our address and was determined to try and find us before heading north again.

To make a long story short we spent a wonderful day catching up, convinced them to alter their plans  and return later in the week to spend the night with us before heading to the Keys.  We learned that they live about an hour from us here just across the Ohio border .  We knew we would see them again over the summer.

It has been great fun watching The Kid reconnect in a good way with his childhood.  He has resurrected a friendship from his past and in the process I have gained two new friends.

This just proves that even if you are covered in paint on a warm January morning in south Florida, you should always answer the door.  You never know who might be standing on your front porch.

Monday, October 6, 2014

This And That


Autumn has a firm grip on Western Pennsylvania.  So much so that we had our first fire on Saturday afternoon.  Within a couple of hours Little Red felt like August in South Florida.  At one point we actually had sleet pelting the windows.  I am not ready for this.

Saturday was upset day in college football.  If you are a fan you must have thoroughly enjoyed the chaos.  I know I did.

I purchased a very large crock with a very large crack in it at an auction over the weekend.  For $2 it is worth salvaging.

On Sunday we celebrated family birthdays and a new job at my Big Sis' house.

Which reminds me...Happy Birthday Bethany.  (Just in case I slip up and forget on Thursday. We all know my birthday track record is questionable.)

I have the green light to ditch the sneakers for short periods of time.  I call that forward progress.

The neglected yellow cottage next to us has a new tenant.  This should prove to be a good thing for all involved.  Unfortunately Henna is having a more difficult time adjusting to the increased activity.

This morning it was cold on our walk, however the sun is shining and things should begin to warm up soon.  Thus far we have avoided a frost but I am afraid that milestone is just around the corner.

Happy Monday everyone.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Earth Is Art


"The earth is art, the photographer is only a witness" ~ Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wild in Pittsburgh

Buctober was a one day affair.

It came and went in a flash.


The build up to the event was slow and steady beginning upon awakening early on a cool Wednesday morning.

It continued as we checked into our river front hotel then boarded the T (Pittsburgh's underground transit) for the short hop across the river into downtown.

It swelled as we caught our first glimpse of PNC Park,

and walked across the Roberto Clemente Bridge.


It picked up in intensity as we strolled along the river walk and chatted with the tail gaters.


Even Mother Nature was a fan, turning the river into a sparkling vision of black and gold.


This banner first appeared at the 1979 World Series.  It was reprised last season and somehow made its way from Florida to Pittsburgh for the big game.  We were privileged to add our names to the faded and frayed sign, to become part of its legacy and lore.


Over two hours before the gates opened the black clad crowd outside the stadium was swelling and abuzz with excitement.

You could feel it.  It was in the air.  Something special was about to begin.

By game time the noise was deafening.  The crowd, now on its feet,  rocking and swaying to a rhythm all its own, riding an adrenalin wave so high and wide it appeared to have no end.


For four fantastic innings it was magic, unlike anything I had ever experienced.

And then the unthinkable happened.

A grand slam home run sucked every single molecule of air from the stadium with one swing of the bat.

Neither the team nor the crowd recovered.

Our beloved Buccos went down in defeat.

And yet...

It was the most fun of any sporting event I have ever attended.  I have no regrets.  I would do it again.

And the best part of all?

There are only four months until spring training!

Let's Go Bucs!!

Friday, October 3, 2014



On most fall mornings the fog on the lake is heavy, a dense shroud pressing in and around, concealing  the world from prying eyes.

By mid-morning the fog begins to lift and sunlight slips between the cracks illuminating the day in promise.

We all need a little sunshine to slip between the cracks of the daily grind,

To find promise in the day to come.

I've also found that a healthy dose of caffeine works well too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's Buctober Baby

Happy first of Buctober!


For the second year in a row our Pittsburgh Pirates have made it into the post-season. After twenty years of toiling away in obscurity at the bottom of the heap, our boys are back.  It's been a crazy year of ups and downs with the team keeping us on the edge of our seats until the final day of the regular season.  The Kid and I have been with them every step of the way...literally.  I don't think we missed watching more than an handful of games all season.

My biggest regret last year was that we didn't attend the Wild Card game in Pittsburgh.  By all accounts the atmosphere was electric and the Buccos didn't disappoint.

Now it is a new year.  A new post-season.  I don't know what will happen when the team takes the field tonight.   We have some injuries to overcome.  But I know that this year The Kid and I will be there, lost in a sea of black at PNC park, hopefully spending the entire night on our feet shouting to the roof tops.

Rooting for our boys of summer.  Rooting for Cutch and Ike and Gabby and Neil.  For Jordy, JHay, Starling and Travis.  Rooting for Edinson, Mark, Tony and the rest of the bullpen.  And of course rooting extra loudly for my man, Russell.

Buctober may only last one day.  It may last a month or something in between.  But this year there will be no regrets.  Win or lose it's been a wild ride and we will see our boys through to the end.


It's Buctober baby.