Friday, September 10, 2010

Game Time

My elder child is an instigator and a pot stirrer, which is why kids and dogs love him so much. He is fun. Our little Henna is not immune to his charms and she's always up for some fun.

Case in point: there is a small flock of Canadian geese that hang out in our cove. (Did you know geese make enough to poop to fuel a small power plant for several days? It's true, I've stepped in it.) They come and go throughout the day but like clock work they arrive between 7 and 8 a.m. every morning honking and clamoring until each and every goose is earth bound and settled in for the day.

One morning last week our elder child, who shall remain nameless in case the geese patrol gets wind of his antics, introduced sweet little Henna to the grazing geese and a new game was born.

Henna, what's that?


Do you see them? Go get em girl!


And she's off. It took a split second for the geese to get wind of the chase but soon the warning call was sounded. Such a racket of honking and flapping you have never heard.


As dog and man descended the geese finally got it together and managed to get airborne just in the nick of time.


Dog, always optimistic, wasn't willing to call off the hunt. The target was in sight and there might be a stray that lingered too long over its breakfast.


Sorry Henna, not this morning. Tomorrow is another day.


This scene now plays out each and every day, always with the same outcome. I'm not certain who to feel sorry for, the geese who have their morning respite interrupted each day or the dog who doesn't have a prayer of catching one.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

This game sounds like a winner in two ways - Henna has fun and the geese poop may be reduced. I think Chris started a good thing!