Saturday, June 26, 2010

It was a Very Good Day

Project 15 - Day 104

Chris arrived on Tuesday. My 1st child. My number one son. The son whose birthday I didn't remember two years ago. The son who will never let me forget it. Yea, that one. He's here to do some fishing. Imagine that. He brought along a friend.

Wes was a salt water fishing all day in the hot Florida son with Chris virgin. We tried to warn him about Chris' penchant for long, brutal days on the water, but he didn't listen. The lure of the sea was too strong.

I don't know anyone who loves the water more than my elder child. He was born to boat and fish. He had Wes up and heading out to sea by 4:30 a.m. on Thursday. It was an all day fishathon. The kind Chris thrives on. It was also a successful one. The boys returned home shortly after noon with a cooler full of Grouper.

My boys have been fishing the Gulf waters for nearly ten years and they know that if you catch one keeper Grouper you have had a good day. Chris and Wes landed three keepers which made Thursday an outstanding day.

It didn't take long to get the boat and the fish cleaned. And before you can say fish fry we were all enjoying the fresh catch of the day.

Yes indeed it was an excellent day on the water.

One these old college buddies will remember for a long time.

**For some strange reason the fisherman are on the orange side today. I tried but couldn't seem to rid the photos of the odd color cast. I'll do better next time.


Anonymous said...

Orange side of what? They look perfect to me. Nice catch - fish and photos.

Unknown said...

Could it be because of the sunburn they got on the water? Chris looks great--as always!

chicken said...

My favorite picture is the one of my favorite Uncle reading and probably educating them on the fish that they caught. There isn't anything out of the ordinary about the picture, but I think I like it best because I have some pictures of that same favorite uncle, in that same shirt, educating two boys who adore him, in much the same pose.
Love and miss you...and see you soon!