Friday, June 18, 2010

War of Wills

Project 15 - Day 96

We had been inching our way to this moment all day. Everyone was tired. Everyone a bit cranky. After all we've been going full tilt since Mom & Dad left on Monday. Today was no different.

We started off with a trip to the 1-hour glasses place. (The G-man sat on me last night and bent my new glasses. That should have told me where I was headed right then and there.) I treated her to lunch, her choice and then we stopped at Blockbuster to rent that Barbie movie she was wanting to see. After the G-man's nap we hit the pool and then off to Cracker Barrel for dinner (also her choice). I even let her stay up past her bed time to watch Toy Story. (It's a grandparents prerogative to break the rules once in awhile.) There had been a few minor infractions earlier in the evening. I overlooked those, after all our little princess was tired.

But it all fell apart over a tooth brush. She refused to brush. Grammy refused to back down. A line was drawn in the bathroom. There was no turning back.

Let's just say she went to bed quickly, in tears, without a song, without a story. It was a melt down of major proportions.

I won the battle but for some reason I feel like I lost the war.

1 comment:

S. Patton said...

Oh....I hate those moments :( Hopefully she and her teeth will thank Grammy someday. Hang in there!!