Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working the Royal Subject

Project 15 - Day 79

Even more than the temperature of the water in my pool, the blooming of the Royal Poinciana tree heralds the arrival of summer in south Florida. What I love about the Royal Poinciana is the brilliant color of the blossoms and its wide spreading canopy. When I noticed a particularly fine specimen at a local park last week I knew I would return for photographs. Besides, I needed to give the old D70 a spin around the block to see what she could do. The D300 would want me to get out and shoot while she's away. I know she would.

I headed out early Sunday morning, just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. My first attempt fell flat. The lighting wasn't great, the composition was bad and the background more distracting than Pam Anderson on DWTS.

Taking good photographs is all about working the subject. Walking around, changing positions and perspectives. It's not hard to do, it just takes time and a little practice.

I moved to the right, backed up a bit and rotated the camera eliminating the homes in the background as much as possible. In the process I brought my royal subject front and center. Made it the star of the show.

I photographed its reflection in the pond.

Noticed a ripple radiating outward, a gift from an unkown source.

Moved in close to isolate a single branch.

Turned the camera skyward for a little back lighting.

And finally walked around to the opposite side of the pond for yet another point of view.

One tree. Seven different perspectives. None are right. None are wrong. But all were fun to find and photograph.

Go ahead, give it a try. Work your royal subject and see how many points of view you can come up with. You might even find you enjoy the challenge.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Great photos.

S. Patton said...

I second that. Nice work!