Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mother of the Year

Project 15 - Day 83

I am a bad mother.

It all started two years ago when I forgot C's birthday. If you have never met my son you might think that he would be forgiving of the woman who birthed him. Not C. No, C milked it for all it was worth and continues to do to this day.

And then last October I forgot my daughter-in-law's birthday. Actually I didn't forget. I gave her her gift early. We were in SC visiting. I thought an early gift presented in person was much better than driving it all the way to Florida just to put it in a box and ship it back to SC. It made perfect sense to me. But I failed to call B and acknowledge her day on the day thus I sinned again. I was chastised long and hard for my transgression by S and B and Miss A... even the G-man took a stab me.

And now it appears I have done it again. I have forgotten C & J's anniversary. This one was completely off the radar, not even a tiny blip on the screen. I have no excuse (other than old age) and C is once again milking the cow. At least J is being sweet, pretending it's no big deal. But I know the truth. I will be a shriveled old woman before I recover from this faux pas.

I had been feeling badly that we were not going to have a repeat fun, family 4th of July this year. Now I'm thinking it's much better this way. I can only imagine the scene that would unfold around the dinner table after I spent the entire day slaving over a gourmet meal for my loved ones. Someone would happen to mention that two years ago his birthday was missed. That is all the spark that would be needed to ignite the 4 alarm fire of parent abuse that would follow. No, I think it's much better that I spend this holiday home alone with my guilt.

Do you think this means I won't be eligible for the Mother of the Year award?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it helps to turn the tables on them, as in, how was your own last birthday, anniversary, etc. acknowledged. -k-