Monday, June 14, 2010

Pool Time

Project 15 - Day 92

Things got off to a rough start this morning when I broke the arm off of my glasses before I had my first cup of coffee. They are not repairable. I see a visit to a 1-hour shop in my foreseeable future.

It was also a scorcher of a day. Temperatures rose above 90 degrees so we did what any self-respecting family would do, we made tracks for the pool. Miss A has turned into quite a little fish since last summer. She has traded in her floaties for swim goggles and her fear of the water has evaporated under the hot summer sun.

The G-man has no fear. Floaties or not, sink or swim (and more often than not it's sink) the child emerges with a smile...and then turns around and does it again. I predict it won't be long until his floaties are history. He loves the water and wants to do everything his big sister does. And he's fearless. No, I don't think it will be long before there are two little fishies in the family.

It was a relaxing afternoon. Just what the doctor ordered to cool everyone down on a hot day.

And tire out some wee ones.

I'm thinking they will be seeing quite a bit of us at the pool this week.

1 comment:

S. Patton said...

Thank God for swimming pools!!! The pictures are great, looks like you're having a fabulous time with the wee ones. Keep the updates coming :)