Friday, January 13, 2012



She is six years old now, midway through her kindergarten year.  She is sweet as honey and at times, ornery as a mule.  Her smile lights up a room.  Her giggles make me laugh out loud.  Her legs are growing long, her pretty blond hair even longer.

She is protective of her little brother.  Watches out for him in a crowd.  Makes certain he gets his fair share of whatever is being handed out.  Until......he angers her.  And then all bets are off.

She loves to color and draw and wants desperately to learn to read.  She plays board games by the rules.  Has learned how to win and how to lose....gracefully.  She loves to play imaginary games with her toys and dolls.  And she wants you to play too.  But has little patience if you don't follow the rules.  Someone please tell me, how does one know the rules in a little girls' head?

Sadly she has outgrown replacing c's with t's.  Cookies are no longer tookies.  I miss it.  It was so endearing.

She loves butterflies, bugs and worms.  She's been known to catch butterflies and quickly run inside to release them in her bedroom.  She loves to fish.  She'll even bait her own hook with a little help.  But the best part of fishing?  Playing with the catch before tossing it back into the water.

She loves pretty dresses.  And flip-flops.  She'd rather go camping than play the piano; but maybe one day, she would like to learn to dance.

She eats Sushi.  Loves noodles; dislikes french fries.  Chocolate rocks her world.  Add a little peanut better..... even better.

She's special.  She's unique.  She's our Allie.  Our precious little girl;  and I couldn't love her more.

Just wish she'd quit growing for awhile.


Audrey said...

I know what you mean about the growing part..... What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful granddaughter.

Tim Logan said...

Ditto to all you said. Who would have thought a few years ago when you and I were looking over graphics to see what color looked best that we would now be sharing in the love of a granddaughter.

Bethany Patton said...

Well said Grammy. Well said. Beautiful photo.

Anonymous said...

You paint a picture of a delightful, bright little girl whose personality is already unique. How lucky her little brother is!

Anonymous said...

You paint a picture of a delightful, bright little girl whose personality is already unique. How lucky her little brother is!

Marla Logan said...

Oh Grammy! what a sweet post!!! I love it and love our little sweetness too! Thank you for sharing that with me. You know we were just discussing today with Mom, that I think Allie has some of you and Stephen in her!(I think she is favoring you as she gets older) Beautiful, just like Grammy!