Project 15 - Day 22

How My Mind Works
Imagine the look of confused indignation on the face of the creative writing professor when one of his students looks him in the eye and states that her main ambition in life is to become a blogger; writing about nothing in order to soothe her artistic soul. Writing about nothing to entertain a following of ten with all of the details of her banal existence. Do they offer college courses in blogging? If they don't I am most certain one will be forthcoming.
Writing about nothing is an art form. It takes talent to come up with ideas about nothing day in day and day out, or month in and month out depending on your level of creativity. Take for instance myself, I have successfully written three blog posts in one week about Project 15. You now know that I am not good at math, that I procrastinate and that I have a little problem with commitment. I mean seriously, who cares? And yet you keep coming back. Or maybe I'm kidding myself and there really aren't ten faithful followers out there. I'll have to ponder that one for awhile.
And that's how it goes I have now taken several minutes of your busy day writing about absolutely nothing and in the process I have found something new to write about. (Anybody out there?)
I'm really good at this, maybe I should give blogging a try.
Count me as one of your faithful followers! I love everything about your nothing!!!
Follower #2. You'll have plenty to blog about after your trip up to see us!!!!
Too funny! Love the Seinfield reference.
The whole social media thing has been recognized as a very important marketing tool so you should expect there to be college courses, such as this one at Penn State 'INSYS 497B Social Networking and Media: Web 2.0 Tools for Learning (3) Introduction to social networking tools including blogs, wikis, podcasts, and social bookmarking' if not whole college degrees in this area.
I've enjoyed your posts and look forward to seeing more.
I love your blog and look forward to it everyday. You have a wonderful way of writing about "nothing"! I have thought about starting one myself but struggle with the very questions you raise here - and I'm not a photographer so wouldn't even have pictures to share! (Though in a conversation with my son the other day, he referred to me as a photographer without a camera.....)About nothing or not - I look forward to your musings! Keep on posting.
Keep blogging for those of us who are too lazy to blog ourselves. If you didn't blog, "us followers" would find some other pointless website to visit... and I like yours just fine.
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