Monday, October 25, 2010

A "Grand" Week

Whew, it's Sunday.  I made it.  I have safely crossed the finish line of two of the more intensive weeks I have experienced in quite some time.  Grant it, some of the stress was self-imposed, but it was stress non-the less.  I'll save the details for future posts and get right to the good stuff.

Allie and G-man arrived one week ago today.  In my world it doesn't get much better than that.


Having the "grands" around for six days of chaotic fun is what grandparents love.  Especially this one.


It is unfortunate that this Grammy was feeling the burden of an upcoming stint as a wedding photographer for a day.  She would have been a lot more fun to be around.  However my anxiety did nothing to slow these two down.


The kiddos were as excited to see the abundance of leaves covering the ground as I was to see them.  It didn't take long to locate a rake and quickly create a heaping pile of back-yard fun.


There were giggles and smiles mixed with a few shoves as siblings jockied for position in the leafy mess.  Grammy got buried a few times attempting to get "the shot" and Allie & the G-man got rid of some pent up energy.


Cold temperatures and intermittant rain showers didn't damper spirits or slow down the outdoor action.


Everyone returns at Thanksgiving for the grand finale of season number one at the cottage.  I intend to be stress free and ready to enjoy each and every minute with these two, their parents and uncle.

See you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great fun! So, the wedding went well? -k-