Tuesday, February 15, 2011

H. P. Williams

Just a short drive south on FL S.R. 41 (a.k.a. The Tamiami Trial) from the Ocopee post office, you will find H.P. Williams road side park.  This little pull off on the banks of the Turner River is a magnet for tourists on the hunt for alligators.


When we first moved to south Florida, some 15 years ago,  the area was teeming with with wildlife.  Alligators by the dozens glided through the clear water or were spotted sunning on the far bank of the river.  At that time a low stone wall was all that separated the gators from the viewing crowd.  The little park was a disaster waiting to happen as adults with small brains attempted to lure the gators ever closer with food.

The park rangers must have agreed with me on this subject because 3 or 4 years ago the National Park Service erected a boardwalk that allows for exceptional viewing of the river all the while keeping tourists and gators a safe distance from each other.  However, it seems that when the boardwalk arrived, the alligators departed.  On our Sunday visit we didn't see even one small gator.


We did spot this Little Blue Heron moving carefully through the tall grass in search of a mid-day snack.  There were cormorants drying their wings on low branches along the river and a few Great White Egrits basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun.


There were also tourists meandering the length of the boardwalk, watchful eyes trained on the water searching for the elusive alligator.


And while we were disappointed that there wasn't more to see on this day, we were delighted to get out of the house and "get the stink blowed off of us" after several days spent indoors hiding from the colder temperatures.  (Don't blame me for that phrase, it's a family thing.)


If you find yourself traveling FL S.R. 41 between Miami and Everglades City plan a few minutes for a stop at H.B. Williams roadside park.  You'll be glad you did.

This plug for Florida tourism is sponsored by no one.  Nobody pays me for this stuff.  I give it away all for free.  Aren't I the best?

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1 comment:

Josh said...

They were there when I was down in 2006. I think some of the pics are hiding on my computer somewhere. I also see that you have acclimated yourself to the southern temps again. We are supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow (woo-hoo). See you in a few months.