Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tomorrow is Another Day

Another day, another dilemma.  What on earth do I write about?


I could tell you that I ate out twice today, both lunch and dinner, but then you would think I was a glutton.

I could tell you that The Kid spent all day yesterday buffing and shining the old Miata while I watched.  But then you would think I was lazy.

I might write that on Monday I cashed in $200 worth of coins we have been hoarding.  But you might think me a miser.

I considered telling you that I can hardly wait until the end of March when Miss A and the G-man arrive.  But you might think me....  I don't know what you'd think but it probably wouldn't be good.

I thought about stating that I have now successfully completed 43 days of Project 365 and if you haven't clicked over there to take a look you might ought to do  But I figured you would think me a braggart.

I might even tell you that since my mother arrived a week ago I have watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy every single night it has been on.  But you might think I'm addicted.

In the end I decided that I couldn't think of anything to write about that might be of the slightest interest to you so I have decided not to blog today.

Tomorrow is another day.


Audrey said...

I'll look forward to tomorrow - but today was fun even though you decided not to blog!

Anonymous said...

I love it when you decide not to blog.