Friday, February 18, 2011

We Got Trouble

Oh, we got trouble.  Right here in River City.  With a capital C and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool.

A complaint was officially lodged with management regarding the content of this blog.  That's right.  A complaint.  The Kid has come forward and voiced his dissatisfaction with the number of botanical and "artsy" photographs that have appeared both here and on the Project 365 site in recent weeks.  And  I mustn't forget the dog posts.  He's tired of dog posts too.  What he would like to see in their stead are more "historical" topics.  Things like forts, and monuments and tiny post offices.  Those are the things that crank his motor.   Those are the topics he would like to see on the increase around here.  (Feel free to picture the great eye roll at any point.)

I informed Mr. Historical that when he started writing the text and taking the photographs THEN and only then could he have creative control over MY blog.  Gheesh, just because you marry the guy he thinks he can control everything.


Can you imagine?  A history lesson every day?  I don't think so.  My great readership of 11 would dwindle to nothing in no time. And besides I blogged about his jeep.  There were pictures too.  Six of them.  Didn't I just feature The Kid and the Beast?  That was historical.  Wasn't it?

Given the fact that a complaint was raised, I have given things a great deal of thought.  (I want to be sensitive to my readership.)  I believe I have come up with a compromise of sorts for the old boy.  I have invited him to be a "guest blogger."  (You can now picture the great eye roll coming right back at me.  I however, do it much better than him.)  That way he can write whatever is on his mind, historical or otherwise.

So my faithful readers what say you?  If you would like to see The Kid appear from time to time as a guest blogger give him a big thumbs up in the comment section.

It just might save my marriage ;-)

Link to Project 365


Bethany Patton said...

Guest blogger. Ha. I would LOVE to see that happen, it won't though. (Yes, that is a challenge there Pappy). This blog post reminds me of a recent comment out of S's mouth, "our blog" he said. Our Blog???

Audrey said...

I give it a big thumbs up! Let him put his money where his mouth is!

Anonymous said...

He'll be whining about how hard blogging is, and how he misses his retirement before the first week is out.

He could be the one in every picture at historical spots who is standing in front of the markers absorbing all the information to then feed to you - the professional blogger who knows what she's doing.

I remember the courthouse I was photographing where the only angle was to stand in the middle of a three way stop. I thought my able assistant was watching my back, but, no, he was only able to be off reading historical markers that day.

To be a complete blogger is VERY demanding!

Emily said...

Come on Uncle Doug lets see what you got.
Those are your niece Emily's words

First born said...
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First born said...

I was thinking the same thing about all these darn flower pictures, what happen to people places and things other than flowers and bugs. I am here to file a complaint too, I was going to call and u tell this but i read you post noticed 60 yr old kid already chimmed in, the kid is turning 60 soon this is just side affects of this approaching milestone

Bethany Patton said...

We are here in Hickory and I had to borrow B's. computer....but I would like to still vote on the Kid's commentary. Tell him I said to put up or shut up :)! Ha! would love to see what he has to offer! Besides he is a very funny guy!

Bethany Patton said...

This is Pop from Hickory. I am one of the faithful followers. I have beeen envious of The Kid in his retirement but i think what the kid just did is one reason i don't need to retire. Too much one on one time with M and I would open my mouth one time too many and not be able to get my foot out of it.