Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Of Dogs, Mud & Goose Poop


Clearing skies after a long day of heavy rain was all the invitation needed to head out of doors .  A walk to the lake was in order and Henna was all too eager to grab her leash and accompany me.  What I hadn't planned on was Lexi, our resident pup and golden doodle, joining us in her inimitable style.

Picture if you will Henna, tethered to her leash and thus to me, cheerfully engaging in friendly dog play with the very large and overzealous pup.  There was barking and tousling on their part, jumping and dodging on mine.  I was certain I was going down in a tangle of dogs and leash but somehow I prevailed.  Eventually Lexi tired of their game and bounded off.

What happened next is a blur.  All I know for certain is that one minute I was upright and the next I was flat on my back in the mud and the goose poop wondering what the heck had happened.  Apparently Lexi had circled around behind me clipping the backs of my legs sending me unceremoniously to the ground.  My initial thought as I lay sprawled in the grass was how many of my neighbors had witnessed my embarrassing descent?   And then the pain hit.  My left elbow had taken the force of the fall and was letting me know in no uncertain terms that it was not happy with the situation.

After a few minutes I gathered my scattered wits about me and crawled slowly to my feet.  Other than a  a screaming elbow there did not appear to be any broken bones or severed limbs.  I was going to live. As for Lexi, she took off for parts unknown and hasn't been seen or heard from since.

1 comment:

Judy H. said...

When I read the tile, I figured it was Henna that met with the mud and goose poop! The mental picture of your story is much more entertaining!