Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cue the Deer

Unfortunately for me, this nasty little bug I've picked up wants to settle in my chest. I feel much better, but I'm trying to avoid too much direct contact with the little ones. Picture big sad face...I miss my cuddle time with Miss A & the G-man.

Do you remember the Chevy Chase movie "The Funny Farm?" He is a big city sports reporter who wants to move to the country to write the great American novel. He does. He hates it. He hates his neighbors. He hates his house and he gets writer's block. He decides to sell and pays all of the unfriendly town's folk to entice potential buyers to purchase his home. It is a hilarious movie and if you have never seen it or it's been awhile you ought check it out.

One of my favorite scenes from the flick is when the naive prospects are approaching the driveway to his home and he radios the neighbors to "cue the deer." A cage is open and two sweet faced white tail are released to romp across the drive in front of the visitors, who are notably impressed.

Well, guess what crossed our path as we were leaving the little red cottage on the first morning we visited? Cue the deer.


I wonder how much the neighbors were paid?

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm calling in sick today....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

One Step Closer

After a very long afternoon which melted into evening we are one step closer to owning the little red cottage. Yesterday we met with every conceivable local business person who might need something from us over the course of the next few weeks. We ended our day at the cottage with "The Inspector." He was not only thorough but he had a nightmare story to tell with every click of his pen or flash of his light. We knew it was going to take a while. It didn't help that outside work had to be halted 3 times for thunder storms which blew in from the west. The final straw came when the power died just as the 45-minute well test began. And then we sat, The Kid, The Inspector, the current owners (lovely folks) and myself, in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. Finally common sense kicked in and we made arrangements for the inspector to return at a later date to finish and we all headed home.

By this time we were three hours late for a lamb on the rod dinner, the sore throat that had been lurking all day reared it's ugly head, and we were beat. We were however, still smiling at all the possibilities waiting for us at the little red cottage.


We are leaving western Pennsylvania this morning. This time we won't return until closing. In the meantime I have to get over whatever this bug is that hit me yesterday because I have grandchildren to play with tonight! See you soon Miss A and the G-man.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Wild Hair and a Love Affair

It was that fateful visit to Pymatuning July 4th weekend (read it here) that started the whole thing. A nostalgic return to The Kid's childhood, to the roots which sprouted 5o years ago along the banks of this western Pennsylvania lake. It began as an innocent comment about how nice it would be to spend the summer here. A few days later we found ourselves driving aimlessly along the narrow roads that line Pymatuning's perimeter. Just looking we said...a wild hair like so many others we have had over the years. A thought that buds and then sits fruitless on the vine, only to wither and die of neglect.

But this one wouldn't die. We found ourselves walking into a Real Estate office, to pick-up a map we said, and maybe ask a question or two about a couple of cottages for sale that we had noted on our ride around. "If you like that white one" she said, "you really ought to check out this little red one." We did. It was then that the wild hair became a love affair.

We had noticed the for sale sign at the beginning of the narrow lane. Perhaps it was the no trespassing sign that had turned us back the first time. But now we had permission. We crept along the gravel drive, through the woods thinking that this was no place we would want to live. And then we reached the clearing and there it was... the little red cottage.


It was as if it had been waiting for us for the past 5o years. We walked around the outside, peeked through the windows, drank in the view of the lake. We wanted to see more...but we were scheduled to leave in the morning. After a brief conference we made arrangements to view the propery and one other at 8 AM the following day. The other one was nice, but the red one had charm.

We climbed into the beast and began the long journey south. But the little red cottage beckoned. About 8 hours into the drive the Kid turned to me and said, "you have to go back." He needed to return to Florida for a business meeting, I did not. We enjoyed our visit with Chris in Nashville and Kay & David in Alabama. And then I went back to Pennsylvania.


I'll not bore you with details but I will tell you that we made an offer and the offer was accepted. There is still a long way to go before the little red cottage on the lake is ours. There are i's to dot and t's to cross but we are hopeful.


We begin our trek south again on Thursday. There will be time with the grandkids and a week with old friends on Hilton Head. But I'm pretty certain the little red cottage will be ever present in our thoughts as we await word that she is ours. And then, and then,

I'll be a damn snow bird.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pymatuning - The Good Old Days

"In the distant past, beyond the period of legend and history, the great swamp that became Pymatuning Reservoir was occupied by the “Mound Builders.” These farmers buried their important dead in large mounds and had an impressive trade network involving goods from all over North America. It is not known what happened to these mysterious people."

Fast forward a few hundred years and ones finds the following information regarding Pymatuning's history: "All human accomplishments begin with a dream.” The Honorable Gifford Pinchot, then governor of Pennsylvania, delivered these stirring words as part of his address at the dedication of Pymatuning Dam on August 17, 1934. Pinchot was fulfilling a Pennsylvania dream that began in 1868 when the General Assembly provided a survey and an estimate of the cost to drain the Pymatuning swamp to create farmlands. The swamp was not drained because it would cripple the industries downstream in the Beaver and Shenango valleys.

A severe flood in 1913 spurred the legislature to action. The Pymatuning Act, signed the same year, appropriated $100,000 to initiate building a dam. The Pymatuning Act states that the primary purpose of the Pymatuning Reservoir shall be for the conservation of waters entering the Pymatuning Swamp and for regulating the flow of water in the Shenango and Beaver rivers. A secondary purpose is to use the dam and lake as a reservoir to impound flood water during periods of excessive runoff from the 158 square miles of drainage area above the dam.

In the next 18 years, public and private organizations raised the $3,717,739 needed to build the dam. On October 6, 1931, 7,000 men began work, turning the dream into reality, and three years later Governor Pinchot gave his inspiring words at the dedication of the 17,088-acre Pymatuning Reservoir."

Today Pymatuning is recognized as the largest lake in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is known for boating, fishing, swimming, camping and other recreational opportunities."

But let's back up a few years, to the 1950's when anyone with the means and the stamina could erect a make shift "cabin" on the state controlled property around the lake and spend the entire summer whiling away the hours floating in the cool water or dropping a line in the hope of landing the big one. This is how The Kid remembers his summers on Pymatuning Lake.


Every year, soon after the the last day of school ended the family would climb into the never dependable car and make the trek north to Pymatuning Lake and assemble their humble abode . The 20 mile trip was made to the tune of "Pymatuning Here We Come," a home grown version of the old standard "California Here I Come." I can only imagine it was sung loudly and off-key by the four excited children bouncing along in the back seat. (No seat belts in those day to keep them contained.)

The memories are good ones for The Kid and his siblings, not so much for his poor overworked mother who looked after 4 young children all summer long, most of the time alone, hauling water for cooking; washing clothes and children in the lake; and tending to all sorts of real and imagined emergencies. At times she had one or two children in diapers...and these weren't Pampers folks. I'd like to think she did it all with a smile but I wouldn't blame her if there were panic stricken tears in the mix.


But time tends to smooth out the bad memories leaving room only for the good ones. I know for a fact that it's only the good that comes to mind when The Kid looks back on his Pymatuning childhood.

To be continued...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More 1,000 Faces

It's time for a 1,000 Faces progress report. All I can say is that at the rate I am progressing, I will need to live to be 100 in order to complete the challenge.


Susan is my name sister, a kindred spirit, a photography enthusiast, a friend. She is funny and fun, kind hearted and beautiful inside and out. (I think I said that before, but it's true.) She is also long suffering, after all she patiently listened to me babble on and on during our all too short lunch date.


David is the irreverant Reverand and any church in the land would be blessed to have him serve. He is anal, accepting, analytical, approachable, artistic and altruistic. He loves to fish and it matters not if he catches a 20" Holy Mackeral or a 4" catfish. It's all the same to him. In addition he is FUN, which is why after 25 years we still love him and call him friend.

Eva Kate

Isn't that a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl? EK is granddaughter to the Reverand and Kay. She has wonderfully expressive eyes and a smile that will melt your heart. I'd say Eva Kate hit the jackpot in the gene pool. Way to go Mom & Dad.


Kay, Mom, KayKay. She is wife to David and grandma to EK & Carter. Kay is a planner, an organizer and a much better cook than she lays claim to. She is a good listener and an even better friend. She loves the beach and I know that the past 25 years would not have been nearly so good without her in my life. I love you K.


Do you see it? Do you see the mischief and mayhem dancing behind those baby blues? Trust me, they're there. Carter is a busy 18 month old with two of the biggest dimples I have ever seen in my life. He is grandson to Kay and cousin to Eva Kate. And just in case you might be wondering about the mischief and mayhem, I'd say that clearly he inherited them from his Mother.

43 down, 957 to go

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Country Charm

I never grow tired of this sight. An encounter with a horse drawn buggy making its way along the highway forces, if only for a minute, a down shift from today's technology laden fast paced life to a glimpse of a more pastoral way of living.


I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, they are the ones who've got it right.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Lake House

For as long as we have known them they have dreamed of retiring to a little house on the lake. A little house with a big view of the water.


The kind of place where their children could visit with their children.


A place where their grandchildren could spend their youth fishing and splashing in the water. A place where they would know the love of family.


A place where old friends are always welcome.


The kind of place that doesn't require shoes.


Where warm summer days are spent with a pole dipped in the water.


and where the size of the catch matters less than the satisfaction of reeling it in.


Where the view from the top is over the top.


A place where when the sun dips low in the sky contentment is known within .


K & D, thanks for sharing your family and your dream with two old friends.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Do You See What I See?

"Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We saw an elephant, an elf with folded hands, a rabbit and the face of a bearded man wearing a hat.


One cloud, three people, four visions. What do you see?

Monday, July 19, 2010

All Good Things Come to an End

Project 15 - Day 125

I knew it would day. I knew I couldn't keep it up forever. I knew that eventually I would be someplace and not have internet access or not be able to carve out enough time to get a post written. It is the former. We are traveling and will not have internet access again until Thursday.

I guess I can proudly say that I made it 125 consecutive days. If I get lucky and can find some service I'll see you tomorrow. If not check in on Thursday.....I'll be back!

You can miss me. It's okay by me.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Privileges of Age

Project 15 - Day 124

Have you ever noticed that the older one gets the more outspoken they become? This first came to light for me back in the dark ages when I was still working as an RN. I enjoyed geriatrics and I thought it cute when my elderly charges blurted out inappropriate comments. I considered it one of the privileges of aging.

Recently I witnessed two well dressed elderly ladies almost came to blows in the parking lot of the local Publix simply because one didn't return her shopping cart to the designated area and the other called her to task for it. In her younger years the woman doing the calling out would have rolled that tape in her head but kept the words locked safely behind her smiling lips. I know this for a fact because I know that woman very well. Even my own mother (I'm going to be in serious trouble now) needs to practice using her inside voice when commenting negatively on someone's demeanor while out in public.

I've given it a lot of thought and have decided that this new found freedom of expressions that comes with age has a lot to do with becoming comfortable in your own skin. My theory is that as one ages and the skin begins to stretch and sag there is more room inside to spread out and get comfortable. The older we get, the loser the skin, the more comfortable we become and before you know it the brain is having a snooze fest and the words just slip out.

It's a theory I've been testing. I'll get back to you with details as soon as I schedule an appointment with the plastic surgeon. I think it's time I get a few things tightened before I say something I'll regret.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Why Is It?

Project 15 - Day 124

Why is it that:

- hotels that accept pets also adopt less than high cleanliness standards?

- American Idol try-outs are being held at the exact same time we are in Nashville? (I would bet that Ellen, Randy & Kara are not staying at the stinky hotel that accepts pets and regards clean towels as a mark of excellence.)

- it is hotter here than in Florida?

- I have taken so few photographs the past few weeks. few non-people photographs?

- my paint jobs don't last nearly as long as the manicurist's?

- I don't find it odd that I am wearing Silly Bandz?

- the closer you get to the sea, the more expensive the sea food?

- I can never remember what day it is?

- after 7 months my kitchen is still not finished?

- I can't live everywhere I visit?


CJ & Clyde - thanks for faithfully checking in from Ocean City. I wouldn't want you to miss anything.

Any Lawrence County Pa readers out there, you would really be doing yourself a favor if you had dinner at the Tavern Restaurant in New Wilmington. We took my big sis there for her birthday last week and dinner was off the charts good. (Oh and the birthday we celebrated, it's a big one. I won't tell you exactly how old she is but I will tell you that social security and medicare are about to take a big hit.)

Image of cloud reflections in glass taken with Nikon D300 and Nikkor 24-70mm lens.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tired and Cranky

Project 15 - Day 123

It's been a long day in the beast. I am tired and borderline cranky. Okay, I am a lot cranky. I'm looking forward to a hot shower and a comfortable bed. I think I may get the shower. The comfortable bed part is questionable. I'll let you know tomorrow how it all works out for me.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

More 1,000 Faces

Project 15 - Day 122

As I mentioned previously The Kid hails from a rather large family that seems to just keep on multiplying. I was able to capture roughly half of the picnic attendees. These weeks with family have made for a great start to my 1,000 Faces project.


Mark is brother to Brad (from yesterday). He is also another one of those stellar outdoors men. That gene seems to have skipped our segment of the family. Should I be glad? Mark is a lot of fun and when he gets together with his 3 siblings the party is on.


The oldest of the greats, Shane is entering his final year at Slippery Rock University. That is really difficult for me to wrap my head around. Does that mean that it won't be long before great-greats start showing up at family gatherings? Shane too has 3 siblings and I believe as the oldest Shane took it upon himself to be the boss. I'm also pretty sure his brothers and sisters would have a lot more to say on that topic.


Tim is son to the mountain man and Cindy. Get this straight now because it's about to get confusing. He is also uncle to the youngsters that will follow. Tim was somewhat of an unexpected blessing some 12 years ago and has nieces and nephews that round out his circle of friends. He is on the quiet side with a touch of mischief added in for good measure.


Linda is a kind and gentle soul. She is wife to Andy (who somehow got by me this time) and mother to Sarah and Hannah. Linda has a strong sense of family and is a blessing to all she meets.


Sarah is daughter to Linda and niece to Tim. She is on the shy side but found a way to let me know she would like to have her picture taken. She's a hula hoopen champ and a tree climber fiend.


Hannah is also daughter to Linda and niece to Tim. Like her sister and mother she is on the quiet side. In fact I think this may have been the only time I saw her all afternoon. She loves getting together with her uncle and cousins for a day of fun.


Betsy, Betsy, Betsy...what can I say about Bets? She has blossomed from a rebellious teen (yes you were Bets, you know you were) into a lovely, young woman. She is a fantastic Mom to 4 active children, wife to Bud and holds down 3 jobs. She does it all with a smile and a sense of humor. Seriously, who else would stop at a farm at the beginning of a 3 hour trip, after a long day, with four kids in the car and get a puppy? Betsy, you are amazing.


Skyler is son to Betsy and another one of Tim's nephews. He is the serious one. As the oldest of four I have a feeling he takes his role as big brother to heart. That sweet, shy smile conveys a warmth and kindness that runs more than skin deep.


Somehow Spence missed out on the red hair that is oh so prevalent in his family. He is a fun-loving kid with bright eyes and maybe a touch of his grandmother's mischief.


Is she not adorable? I could follow these last two around all day my camera and I don't think I would get a bad shot. I think this one also has the mischievous gene..I heard stories about her cutting her own hair...3 times. Maybe she just wants to be a beautician when she grows up.


Could you not just eat her with a spoon? I have more pictures of her than anyone on this day. She is just too adorable. Nuf said. I know you agree.

My apologies to those I missed and those whose names I might have misspelled. (I was already informed that last week I spelled Aila's name incorrectly. I'll make it up to her later.) Thanksgiving will be here before you know it and I hope to photograph the rest of you then.

38 down - 962 to go

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1,000 Faces Update

Project 15 - Day 121

It's time for another 1,000 Faces update. The Kid's family had a little get-together over the weekend. This side of the family is large in number and they all cringe when the camera comes out of the bag. Why is that? People see me coming and the moaning and wailing begins; followed soon after by the disappearing act. As a photographer I'm beginning to get a complex. As a family member I'm wondering if it was the garlic hot wings I ate.

I didn't catch everyone on Saturday but those I missed need not fret. You will be on my radar in the fall. Below is the first installment from last weekend's picnic.


Jim is husband to Robin and an outlaw like myself. He is kind, caring, sensitive and soft-spoken. However I think there may be a stubborn streak hidden beneath that ever present smile. Jim loves dogs, especially Greyhounds. Several times a week he stops traffic while jogging with 4 greyhounds and a beagle...all at the same time. Really, he does. There is video to prove it.


Robin, lil sis, Mom, Grammy. Robin is wife to Jim and lil sis to The Kid, a.k.a. The Dancing Queen (check it out here). She's a nut case; but she knows I love her. She is willful and stubborn, silly and fun and she loves, loves, loves her grandchildren. And they love, love, love her right back.


Eric is son to Robin and nephew to us. He is the reserved one in the family...until you get to know him. He has been the happy bachelor for many years. In fact lil sis didn't think he would ever settle down. And then She happened into his life. I've noticed he smiles a lot more now.


Ashton, the she to Eric's he. The one who makes him smile all the time. Ashton has a tender heart and is sweeter than cotton candy. I have really enjoyed getting to know her this past year and thinks she is definitely the yin to Eric's yang. And I have to tell you she is a great photographic subject. The camera loves her beautiful smile and those big brown eyes. Welcome to the family Ashton.


Michael X., Mick, Brother, Dad, Pap. Mick is one of the Kid's younger brothers. He is the family mountain man turned preacher. Mick loves the Lord and has discovered a passion for preaching and teaching in the African bush. He schedules his mission adventures (and they are adventures, you should hear some of his stories), in between his day job and chasing bears out of his front yard. I wasn't kidding about the mountain man part.


Cindy, Mom, Grandma. Cindy is pioneer woman to the mountain man. She is also the instigator. For as long as I have known her, and that's a long time, she has been up to no good. If you look close there's a twinkle in her eye that is mischief just waiting to happen. Cindy is full of fun and actually enjoys hiding out in the north woods.


Nephews in The Kid's family come in all ages and stages of life. Brad is one of the more mature ones. (And I'm not necessarily referring to age here folks!!) Brad is quiet and shy and looks and acts more like his father the older he gets. He is hard working and like the rest of the males in his family he is a stellar outdoorsman.


Debbie is wife to Brad and Mom to Brett. She is hard working and practical. And personally I think she deserves a metal...anyone who can survive in this family for all those years amid all that hunting and fishing and teasing and taunting deserves a metal in my book.

27 down, 973 to go

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Red Geraniums

Project 15 - Day 119


I love red geraniums. It's a nostalgia thing for me, comfort food for the eyes. It's a lot like mac & cheese. I love mac & cheese too, all that gooey cheesiness. If I don't get back on track I'll be breaking that scale I snuck in the car.

Have I told you that I weigh my pants? I do, or I did. I weighed them all to determine which were the lightest so I would know what to wear when I went to WW to weigh in. Is that cheating?

Now where was I? geraniums. I love red geraniums. Have I mentioned that? When I was growing up we had red geraniums in our yard every summer. My dad loved them too. We had a white rail fence that ran along our driveway and each year it would be lined with bright red geraniums.

Each spring, when the fear of frost was over a trip would be made to the local greenhouse. Flats of geraniums (always red) would be paid for and loaded into the trunk of the car. My dad would carefully place those tender young plants in a neat and orderly line along the fence. There was a predesignated place for each one known only to him. The rest of the summer would be spent feeding, watering and watching them grow. Occasionally he would recruit one of his off spring to help with the weeding. I was excited when I passed the test and could be trusted to do the weeding without supervision. I've gotten smarter since then. I've figured out that when you learn how to do the job correctly it becomes yours.

Red geraniums are happy flowers and always make me smile. They also make my back ache.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Where's the Beef

Project 15 - Day 119

Where do you go when you need some protein for dinner? I usually hit the local Publix. Last week I hit the local slaughter house. Ok, so I'm not 100% certain it was a slaughter house, but I'm pretty sure it was. It had something to to with the odor that hit me when I got out of the car.

I was pleasantly surprised when I entered the store front. It was normal, or almost normal. There were large coolers neatly filled with packaged meats and other frozen goods. It was the slabs of beef peeking through the doorway of the adjacent room that bothered me. I vowed if I heard any mooing coming from the other room I was out of there. I had a plan. I knew I could power up the beast and send the gravel flying in a frenzy as I made my get-away. Fortunately it wasn't necessary to put my plan into action...there were no mooing sounds emanating from the back room.


I quickly made my purchase and my exit. It was on the long drive down the lane that I noticed them. Standing in a large, mucky pool of water, #5 and his bud #7. I couldn't help wondering what the numbers meant. Were they 5th and & 7th in line for the chopping block? Were they the 5th & 7th purchased that year? The 5th & 7th off-spring of one tired mama cow? The 5th & 7th best studs in stable? As I pondered the obvious they noticed me. They raised their heads in tandem and focused those big brown eyes on me. About this time I was happy I was on the other side of the fence. They didn't look too pleased to have their muck grazing interrupted. I quickly snapped my picture, and climbed back into the beast.

As I made my way back to the main road I gave thanks for Publix. For sterile displays of plastic wrapped containers of beef and pork and poultry. For not having to look my dinner in the eye. I think it's better that way, don't you?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Stroll - Pearson Park

Project 15 - Day 118

Pearson Park was established in the late 1950's or early 1960's. By the time my teen years rolled around it housed tennis courts and a community swimming pool. It was the hangout I rarely got to hang out at...pool memberships were not on the priority list at my house in those days. However, I did learn to play tennis on those hallowed courts...or rather I learned to chase a tennis ball.

Today the park boasts 105 acres of picnic areas, soccer and football fields, 3 baseball fields, 6 tennis courts, playground, 2 sand volleyball courts and walking trails through the park. The Hess Sports Complex is contained in the park and offers indoor year round pool and ice skating. Whew, the little park has grown since I last stalked the grounds.











